Chapter 4

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POV - Third Person

For 24 hours, Harry had been completely glued to his cell phone, which was very normal. What wasn't normal was that the girl who he gave his number to wasn't texting him. Why wasn't Ashley texting him? Had he done something wrong? Did she not like that he was famous? Did she hate him? But.. she said that she was a fan... He waited five more minutes. Okay, that's it. It's official that she hates me. 

All of the sudden, he felt a cold hand hit his cheek, causing it to turn beat red. Harry was extremely shocked and looked up at the person standing in front of him while rubbing his cheek. "What'd you do that for, Louis?!," he asked as he felt the pain increasing.

"I've been standing here, talking to you and you haven't been listening to me," he scolded. "Now stop staring at you damn phone, for whatever stupid reason, because you have to get ready. Remember, you said you wanted to go with me to buy stuff for my trip with Eleanor to France? I'm leaving in five minutes, so hurry up."

Harry groaned and got up. "Sorry, Lou, I forgot. See, I'm expecting a text or a call from someone and I haven't gotten it yet," he explained as he went to his closet and picked out a simple white shirt and jeans. 

A smirk grew on the older lad's face. "Is this the girl who you met when you were eating fish and chips yesterday?," he asked. "Zayn and Niall told me about how you almost didn't go up to her because you were scared."

"That didn't happen," Harry shot back, lying. This made him receive a questioning look from Louis, which broke him down. "Okay, fine. I met this girl , and.. uhm... she's really nice, so I wanted to see her again, and-"

"You don't have to explain it to me, Romeo," Louis teased, interrupting him. "Just hurry up and get changed."

As he and Louis were looking through racks of shirts at Jack Wills when Harry felt his phone vibrate in the front pocket of his jeans. Let me say, he had never in his life ripped his phone out of his pocket so quickly before. After unlocking it, he saw that it was an unknown number and opened it.

'Heyy -Ash xx'

The grin that appeared on his face couldn't have been any wider. And this definitely didn't go unnoticed by Louis. "Someone finally got that message, I see. Don't jizz yourself from one text, mate," he teased the boy.

Harry only half heard this since he was too preoccupied with thinking of something to text her back. Should he just say 'hey' back? No; he might sound uninterested. What about 'how are you'? No; that sounds too formal. How about 'Hey babe'? No; that might sound too forward. Sighing, he tried to think of something as quickly as he possibly could. After an extra moment or two, he finally thought of something.

'Hey Ashley :) What's up? -Harry xx'

It shouldn't have took him as look as it did to come up with that, but it did, and he was satisfied.



I did it. I finally texted him. Of course, I would have done it earlier, but Claudia kept talking about how making him wait just a bit would drive him crazy and that I would be on his mind more if I did. But, there was a little note in the back of my mind that, if I make him wait too long, that he might forget about me. Plus, I've been wanting to hear from him. So, right after my shift was over, I hope on my bike and rode home as quickly as I could. The trees that were a blur and the cars that were speeding passed me didn't distract me at all as I dogged the people walking by. The only thing that was actually distracting me was the phone in my pocket; it was like it was begging me to take it out and text Harry.

Right when I got back up to my flat, I jumped onto my bed and took my phone out of my pocket. After unlocking it, I put in his already saved number and texted him.

'Heyy -Ash xx'

It was simple and sweet. All I was worrying about was what would happen if he didn't text me back. What if he actually forgot about me? The seconds felt like hours as I waited for a sign of a reply from the curly-haired heartbreaker. The vibration that came from her phone both excited and scared me. 

'Hey Ashley :) What's up? -Harry xx'

The smile that instantly grew on my face couldn't have been wider if I tried, knowing that he didn't forget me and actually cared enough to text me back. And, I was texting HARRY-FUCKING-STYLES!!! Okay, okay. Don't hyperventilate, Ash.

'I just got home from work. Hbu? :) -Ash xx'

'Oh, cool. I'm just shopping around with Louis. He wanted to buy more clothes for his trip with Eleanor. I don't see how he could possibly own more clothes than he actually has, though. Ahahaha -Harry xx'

'Ahaha idk I always like getting new clothes before I go somewhere. Maybe he's the same way -Ash xx'

This was starting off extremely well. It was casual, yet fun. It was as if I could hear him talking to me face to face; I could hear his voice through his texts. Something like this has never happened to me before... but, I liked it.

'Haha maybe :) So, I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow? We could watch a movie or something? -Harry xx'

Wait, what? Did he just ask her to hang out with him? No. This could not be happening. Why me? OMG HARRY STYLES WANTS ME TO GO TO HIS HOUSE!

Be calm, Ashley. Be calm.

'Sure, I'd love to. -Ash xx'


Well, hello again, everyone! I'm sosososososososo sorry that it took me so long to update, but I'm super busy with school, cheerleading, and soccer. So, I can only update when I have the time.

Okay, so I have a few important changes and things for you to know

First of all, I'm still getting used to my style of writing. So, I've decided now to write in the POV which I feel is best for the time being. You saw this in this update.

Secondly, I know the boys don't all live in one big flat. But, for the purpose of my fanfic, they do.

Lastly, and most importantly, I have a contest going on until Friday to see who will be Niall's girlfriend in my fanfic. This person is also Ashley's cousin and will be introduced a little later in the story. To enter, all you have to do is go to my twitter, @StripForMeZouis, and retweet any of my tweets about it which say to RT it. You only have to retweet one of them because I'll be making a list of all the people who RT and picking from that. You must be following me, though, or you will not be picked. So, you have until Friday :)

I love all of you!

-Ashley xox

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2012 ⏰

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