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december 28th, 2013



They don't reach D.C. for another hour. By the time they get there, snow is falling. Again. Lea isn't sure why the last two weeks have been full of so much snow, but she wishes it would stop already.

Steve is anxious and bouncing on the balls of his feet as they land. Lea can't help but share his anxiety, worry flooding through her at the thought of what could have happened to Bucky in the time that they had been gone. She is eager to get off of the plane and run through the city in pursuit of the man they've lost.

However, right as the doors open, she is stopped when Steve throws out his arm in front of her chest. Her eyebrows raise, and she stares at him questioningly.

"I'm sorry," Steve says, grabbing his shield. "But Hydra is out there right now. If I brought you with me, you'd be killed. I can't protect both you and Bucky at the same time."

Lea frowns. She understands his point -- she knows she would be nothing but a hindrance -- but she struggles to stop herself from running towards Bucky. She's been away from him so long that she is starting to feel like he isn't real, and she needs to see him soon before she doubts herself even more.

Steve gives her a soft yet unwavering smile. Lea knows this means she's not going to win the argument. "I'm sorry, Lea. But you know I can't get him if I take you with me."

She sighs and nods, conceding that he is correct even if she doesn't like it. "Yeah. You're right." Pausing briefly, she looks up at him with a smile of encouragement on her face. "Go find him."

"I'll do my best," he answers, a wave of several emotions passing over his face all at once. Lea forgets sometimes just how old he is and how much he has been through. He is much wiser and more thoughtful than he appears, and she imagines there is a lot of stuff going on inside his head that he hides from others. He is the type of person who keeps things to himself to avoid burdening others, and it's a heavy cross to bear.

As she is busy thinking, Steve turns and exits the plane, followed closely by Tony who gives her a wink before he goes. They are on a helipad somewhere in D.C., and Tony and Steve jump off the side of the building when they get to the edge, giving Lea a start before she realizes that they are superheroes. They'll probably be ok.

The door slides shut automatically once they're gone, and the screens by the pilot's seat all blink to life. Unsure of what to do with herself, Lea crosses her arms and wanders over to take a look at them. This is, of course, the exact moment a voice sounds from a hidden speaker, nearly stopping her heart in the process.

"Hello, Lea," the voice says. She looks around in confusion, though the voice sounds kind of familiar. Is this the same voice that was speaking to Tony earlier?

"I am JARVIS. Mr. Stark has programmed me to keep you safe and comfortable while you wait for him and Mr. Rogers to return," the voice begins, and Lea calms down, her heart rate slowly beginning to return to normal as she realizes she's not in imminent danger. "I have gathered some live surveillance camera footage from the rest of the city for you if you would like to watch Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers attempt to locate Mr. Barnes."

Lea pauses for a moment. Is she supposed to speak to JARVIS? She's not sure, but the voice is silent now as if anticipating an answer, so she decides to try. If she's wrong, at least no one is around to witness her acting like a fool. "Yes, please. I'd like to see them."

JARVIS answers right away, and Lea is relieved that she hadn't approached the situation in the dumbest way possible. "Accessing Washington, D.C. surveillance cameras."

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