last words

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That one took me a while to write, but it was well worth it. I hope you enjoyed the read and love the story like I do. I appreciate all the votes and comments more than you know.

A brief note on the premise of the story: Some have commented about how fast Bucky fell in love, so I wanted to say that I wrote this with the idea that Bucky doesn't really know what "love" is. He finds someone who accepts him and represents everything he thinks he wants and can't have, and immediately he sees it as love. Whether that is "real" love is up to the readers' discretion/debate!*

*The way I see it, if anyone is curious, is that love has no required minimum time to form, and it can be defined in many different ways. Lea came into Bucky's life at just the right time to break him from his cycle of pain, so you could say it was a love formed of convenience, or that Bucky just loved what Lea did for him, and didn't love who she was. But she also accepted him for who he was, while pushing him to strive for better — not because he was broken and needed to be fixed, but because he wanted that change for himself, and she could offer support to help him achieve it. Isn't that what you do when you love someone? If so, does it matter if their story fits traditional definitions of love? It is their own special brand of it, meant for them and only them. Love is whatever we define it to be.

Before I part, here is a playlist I created a while ago that has a wonderful collection of songs that relate to Bucky and The Winter Soldier. The link is also in my bio. Please give it a follow:

If you haven't already read my other books, try Sane or Captured. Anyway, thanks again, and happy reading!

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