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"Apologize. Now. I will not repeat myself again." Damien said and by the look on his face I would do as he said. His blue eye currently have rage swirling in them. It  didn't want to say anything to upset him even more but I knew if I didn't say anything that my grandfather would and it would go from bad to worse in no time at all.

"Damien. Please let it go. I'll just go change then we can all leave. Really it okay." I said to him in a small voice as if I was speaking to a child about to go off on deadly tantrum.

"Listen to your slut boy." My grandfather sneered at him. Why oh why could't he just keep his mouth shut? Can't he see I'm trying to ease things up a bit then he has to go and run his big mouth. Guess it runs in the family.

"You will not speak to her like that and you sure as fuck will not speak to me like that if you know whats good for you old man." Dammit Damien.

Why can't they both just let it go because at this rate I'm not going to have a place to live and I sure as shit can't afford to live on my own at this moment. I looked up at Damien to see him glaring daggers and my paps and if looks could kill let's just say my grandmother would quickly become a widow.

"Listen hear boy you will not come into my home and tell me how to speak to my blood especially not this worthless piece of human being." My papa stood up so fast and starting marching right up to me and Damien that I knew in this very moment something terrible is going to happen, and fuck if it's not all my fault.

"Papa please he meant no disrespect. I'll go change and we will leave sir I promise." I said while looking at the ground which just made him even more angry. I was the one being disrespectful now; by not looking in his eyes I fucked up. I fucked up bad, and I knew that by the sudden stinging in my check and me flying to floor from the hit. 

I couldn't let the tears fall. I wouldn't. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry; of seeing me weak.

"Lexi get your shit your leaving, and you will not be coming back here." Damien growled at me while Demetri help me up with a look of shock as to what just happened. "Demetri take Lexi to get her shit. NOW!" I hadn't moved until Demetri started pushing me out the room. 

Once I was out of the room the first tear fell and it fell silently as I walked to my room. I knew Damien meant what he said and I knew if I didn't listen he would come in here and do it himself, but what he didn't know is that I couldn't leave. I had to stay. I had to stay for him. He looked up to me and I made a promise and I'll be damned if I broke it. I would be back tonight weather Damien liked it or not. 

With that final thought I started to change my clothes. I went to my closet and pulled out a black tank top and a red and black flannel to go over then I walked to my drawer and go out my favorite black jeans that were ripped at the knees and I pair my outfit with my black vans. 

After getting dresses I went to do my makeup which consisted of mascara, highlighter, and red lipstick. Once I was done I opened my door and looked up to find and very shocked Demetri checking me out. 

"Hey baby mind if I ask your name? Oh wait let me guess. It's gotta be Angel cause you sure as hell look like one." The pick up line rolled off his tongue as if he had been out here practicing it this whole time.

"How long did it take you to come up with that one D?" I asked with a smirk. I slowly walked up to him standing on my toes so I could whisper in his ear, "And besides there's no way I could ever be an Angel; they are far to innocent. Haven't you heard? I'm the Devil's daughter." I felt him shutter as my breath went down his neck and my hand slowly slid down his chest. 

Before he could say or even do anything I had already turned around and started to walk away. "You coming?" I called over my shoulder after I looked back and saw he was still standing there with a stunned look on his face. I had finally reached the end of the hall when I heard shouting coming from the living room. Shit.

"SHE'S A NO GOOD SLUT WHO DESERVES ALL THE SHIT THAT HAPPENS TO HER! I HOPE SHE NEVER COMES BACK ALL SHE DOES IS CAUSE PROBLEM!" My papa shouted. Ouch. I mean I knew he didn't like me but damn that hurt coming form your own family. Maybe I should be used to it by now I mean I wasn't good enough for my parents how could I ever be good enough for my grandparents? 

What made me ever think that he could ever love someone like me even if I was his only granddaughter? I'm useless. I'm not enough. I never will be. I tried to keep listening but the only thing I could hear were my own thoughts. My own demons.





Then I heard him. I heard his sexy voice stand up for me like no one else has, and I couldn't help but think maybe I was wrong about what I thought about him maybe he wasn't so bad at all. Maybe there was a little bit of light even in the darkest of people.

"You don't even know how wrong you are. I have only known her for a couple hours and I can already tell you she is one of the strongest, most fiery girl I have ever met. You are not even a man because a real man would never hit a girl. That doesn't make you tough what you did to her. Actually it makes you anything, but a weak little boy." Damien said in a low growl he almost sounded inhuman, but damn even if it sent chills down my spine hearing the coldness in his voice it made my heart skip a beat. 

"Damien. Can we please just go." I said in a small voice hoping not to anger him anymore that he already was.

"Oh look the little bitch is back. Listen here little girl-" He didn't even get to finish that sentence before he was on his, because of a punch to the face delivered by none other than Mr. Boss Man himself. 

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