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"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" The shrill of my alarm going off at 6:30 in the morning wakes me up from my peaceful slumber. 

"Ugh. Fucking hell." I mumble in my half awake voice as I slowly made my way to the small bathroom. After I was done doing my business, brushing my teeth and cleaning my face I'm finally awake; and now that I am I will tell you a little bit about me. My name is Lexi Love, no middle name, I'm 20 years old with my life in shambles.I'm 5'4 with long black hair and crystal blue eyes that used to have a sparkle in the but now they just look tired and dull. I'm not skinny or fat just curvy in all the right places. I live with my grandparents and cousin is a pretty decent sized house just outside of Manhattan; I don't have to pay them very much in rent but bills for other things make my social life pretty nonexistent. I work as a housekeeper downtown it pays the bills but not much else. Thats pretty much it about me.

Speaking of work its time to go sadly; after a 20 minute drive I pull in to the parking lot of The Kingsman Hotel. Once I walk into the backroom I already notice everyone is tense I just don't understand why I mean it's probably going to be the same boring thing find a used condom in this room, find some empty bottles of alcohol in this room. Right?

"Hey Liz? What's wrong with everyone this morning?" Liz is a tall black woman with short curly hair. From what I know about her she has four kids and was in a relationship with the same guy for about  16 years with the father of her children before he got up one day and decided he didn't want to be with her or the kids anymore and just left. Men. All fucking pigs.

"You haven't heard? Damien Lucio is coming today and he is picking his own housekeeper to do his room for his stay." She looks absolutely terrified when she says his name. Me? I have no idea who the fuck that is.

"Who's Damien Lucio and why does he get to pick his housekeeper for just him?" I asked while putting my things away in my locker and grabbing my headphones and water bottles to put on  my cart.

"He own's the hotel that's why but he's also a complete ass. I heard he's a gang leader and kills for fun." Liz said taking her jacket off and putting in her locker.

"I heard he kills people when they look him in the eye." Amber said with a little shake in her voice.

"Well I heard he-" Carma started to say but the supervisor came in a cut her off.

"He's here." Our supervisors name is Maddison, Maddy for short.

The other girls in the room all looked like they were about to shit themselves me on the other hand got ready to go. Once I got to the door and noticed everyone was still standing there I turned around to give them a little pep talk.

"Ladies woman up for fucks sake. He's only choosing one of us and he's probably a rich snob who's got his head so far up his ass that he won't even notice your there." Once I finished say what I had to say I looked at all there face and they weren't even looking at me but right behind me. Fuck. "He's right behind me. Isn't he?" They all nodded and I slowly turned around to come face to chest. "What are you a fucking giant." I mumbled under breath for only me to hear but apparently being a giant come with giant ears because he's the only one in the room that heard me.

I took a step back and looked him from head to toe and to say he was gorgeous would be an understatement from his crisp suit to his strong chiseled jaw up to his deep blue eyes then his light blond hair that was styled perfectly making him look like an again, but the glint in his eyes told me a completely different story. All I could think was damn, someone get me some floats cause there was a flood in my panties. 

Then I heard three little words that held no emotion come from his plump, kissable lips. 

"I choose her."

Fuck. My. Life. 


So first chapter is up tell me what y'all think.

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