The Legend of Darkwood Manor - A short story by Mr. X

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Tonight's Halloween. Joey is walking along the sidewalk accompanied by several children in costumes behind and in front of him. He had red hair, a white sweater with half of the front red, blue jeans and was carrying a rolled-up sleeping bag with him. His friends are staying at his house, where a Halloween party is being held by his Father. He is heading for a creepy mansion towards the corner of his neighborhood. Soon, he found himself walking alone on the sidewalk. He walked beside the old, rusty gate in front of the large mansion on top of a hill and stood in front of the entrance. His friends back at the Halloween party dared him to spend one night at the mansion. He refused at first because he didn't wanna miss the Halloween party, but one of his friends are having another one at their house, so he agreed to do it. On the middle of the gate is a rusty sign that reads, "DARKWOOD MANOR".

Darkwood Manor was owned by the most powerful Billionaire in the state of Arizona. His name was Dr. Charles Von Grantham. He funded several million technologies corporations, medical companies, schools, and restaurants nationwide. That being said, he was unlike most Billionaires: He was kind, thoughtful, and generous. However, something in him changed. He suddenly murdered his own daughter and committed suicide. The authorities found them both dead and permanently closed his mansion. No one ever figured out why he did it. In fact, no one ever bothered entering his abandoned home. Until now.

Joey pushed the gate entrance open and walked on the stairsteps until he reached the mansion. He walked on a smaller set of stairs, walked around the dried up fountain and stood in front of the black, well-decorated door that has the initials "DWM" on the top of the door. A dusty window with a few cracks on it was next to the door. Yeah, that's creepy... Joey thought. Well, I guess I'm going in. He reached for the dusty doorknob and pushed the door open. Inside the mansion was almost empty: On the left lays a large set of broken stair steps and on the right was an elevator with a sign in front that says, "OUT OF ORDER". Joey looked up and saw behind the balcony were several more elevators with "OUT OF ORDER" signs on them. He looked ahead and saw nothing but a dead end. Well, this is probably gonna be the most boring evening of my life rather than the scariest. He thought. Well, I guess I'll set up camp.

Joey unrolled his sleeping bag next to the broken elevator and sat down crisscrossed. .............Seriously? He thought. If my friends really wanted to scare the hell out of me, they should just tie me to a chair and force me to date that dorky girl I sit behind in Social Studies! This isn't scary! It's boring! .........Buuuuut, it's relaxing too. He laid on his sleeping bag and rested his head on his palms. No people around. And, sometimes, I can't stand people. Ahh... Suddenly, he heard a crash from behind him. Not even a little scared, he sits up and looks behind him. Pfft. A shattered vase. He thought, unimpressed. Sad. And, very unoriginal. But, hey. No people around to bother me. People are the worst. He laid back down and stared at the large hole on the roof where the moon shined on his face. He heard the sounds of owls flying by. Sigh... Peaceful. He thought. Just the way I like it. All of a sudden, the front door closed on its own. Joey sat up. Wow. He thought, unimpressed. Unoriginal AND idiotic. Man, if only horror movies had originality! They would be a lot freakier for sure! What's next? My cell phone suddenly ringing? His phone suddenly rang. Bingo! Joey pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and answered the phone, "What's up, killer? You gonna ask me if I like scary movies or something?!"

"Dude, it's Kaley." A female voice said over the phone. Kaley is a pretty girl who is Joey's closest friend. She's also the one who dared him to spend the night at Darkwood Manor. She is very Down-to-Earth. "You at the house?" Kaley asked.

"Yeah." Joey replied. "Everything's peaceful. Although, there were just a bunch of unoriginal horror moments here. They weren't scary at all."

"What are you talking about?" Kaley asked.

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