Chapter 11

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The story that the police had come up with that everyone assumed was true, was that the boys' new bus driver was a lunatic. He had faked a bus accident in order to get the boys to his hide out where he was going to hold them hostage to get money from their parents. ( They had proof to back this, because there was evidence that this man had driven many a bus or taxi, and his passengers were never seen again.) The old castle wasn't as sturdy as it used to be and in the storm it was struck by lightning and the roof caved in. The driver was killed, and the boys were alive... and like they were in the hospital... tired, hungry, and delirious.

"I told you they weren't gonna believe us!"A.J. was saying to the guys. They were all in A.J. and Nick's room visiting.

"Oh really, you did... I do recall you being the first one to bust out and say.. 'Mommy there was a big monster and he tried to eat us!' " Brian mocked him.

"Oh man, I was delirious, then.. I do have a concussion,"A.J. said trying to sound sophisticated.

"Oh come off it A.J.,"Kevin said.

They'd been in the hospital a total of 2 days, they were going to be released soon, after they all talked to the hospital psychiatrist.. Groan! The doctors had wanted to keep A.J. and Nick a little longer since they were the ones who were actually hurt, but parents had talked them out of it. The Boys wanted to go home, the rest of the tour had been postponed.

"I wonder what they're going to do with that old pile of ruin now. Are they just gonna leave it there?- Or what?"Nick spoke up from his bed on the other side of A.J.'s. Both he and A.J. were under strict orders to stay in bed, or else they wouldn't get released with everyone else.

"Who cares, as long as I never have to see it again!"Howie said, he was sitting on Nick's bed.

"Ow man!"Nick grumbled, when Howie accidently shook the bed upsetting the blankets and rubbing Nick's sore skins.

"Oh, so now it hurts,"Brian commented.

"Man, it didn't start until they put that junk on em'"Nick raised his blankets to look under his hospital gown at his gauze covered middle area,"Man, now I'm starting feel like the mummy-man again!"

They laughed.

"We can't say that too loud. They already think we're crazy, and if we go on talking about this our parents are gonna have us committed,"Kevin said looking guardedly out the open door. He waved at Nick's mom who walked by the door and peeked inside occasionally.

"Man, we can't just forget that it happened!"Nick said.

"No, we can't,"Brian agreed,"But our parents don't want to hear it."

"We're being treated like children!"Howie grumbled,"I mean, I can see them treating A.J. and Nick like kids, because they are. But us?"

"Hey, they're just looking out for us,"Kevin defended their parents," I for one am glad they are. And I am also glad that they showed up when they did. I was limping up the road and they sped past me, then stopped and came back. They jumped all over me, huggin' and kissin', then demanding to know where you guys were. They had talked to authorities and done this full scale search for us. You guys remember that last diner we ate in, before we went to the castle?"

"The ones with the cardboard chicken?"Nick asked scratching under the gauze and getting his hand smacked.

"Yeah. They reported seeing us going down the old road,,, that's how they found us," Kevin concluded.

"Man, I bet they were scared, maybe even as scared as we were,"Nick said,"Ow Howie, get off my bed!"

"Sorry,"Howie said,"I won't move around anymore. Besides you're scratching it, how does me moving around hurt it?"

Nick shoved Howie off the bed, and went back to finding another way to get under the carefully tapped gauze and scratch.

"So, guys... What are we gonna do?"asked A.J.

"What are we gonna do about what?"asked Brian.

"Well, we were trapped in a castle all night, terrorized by a..a.."

"Crazy-bus-driver-zombie-monster-thingy-that tried to eat all of us,"Nick supplied with a smile.

"Yeah,"A.J. smiled back,"And we danced with zombies, and got turned into monsters, and he tried to suck the life out of us, and Brian broke his magic wand and made him mad... Then Nick stabbed him, and the house blew up! We can't just act like it didn't happen!"

"We're going to have to,"shrugged Kevin,"They'll think we've lost it for good if we keep on with this story. But you know what, it kind of gives me an idea. A musical idea. I mean, maybe we can't use it now, but maybe later when Backstreet Boys get big... We can make a video, all about our night in the castle."

"Oh get real Kev, that's crazy!"Howie said and laughed it off.

But Kevin had a dreamy look in his eyes, that was catchy. The bug of creativity bit Nick next,"Hey maybe we could. We could make our own Thriller, like Michael Jackson!"

"Guys, yeah right! Now you know if you were to ever tell anyone the truth about where this video came from you'd get put in the psych ward of a hospital!" Howie said.

"Hey, that might be a fun place for a video. We can play five crazy guys in a mental institution and..."

"Nah!"Everybody said at once,"Now that is stupid!"

"Back to the monster video..."

"Now get off of that! Who's gonna go for something as stupid as that? A monster movie video! What song would we make in the future that would go with that!?! It's ridiculous! We couldn't get anywhere with it!"

"And coming in at number two for MTV's top summer videos out of 100, Backstreet Boy's "Everybody ( Backstreet's Back )" announced Carson Daly from the beach of the Jersey Shores.

"And the Kid's Choice Award this year for favorite song goes to.. Backstreet Boys 'Everybody ( Backstreet's Back )'!" shouted Rosie O' Donnell into her microphone.

"And the 1998 MTV Music Award for best group video goes to the Backstreet Boys "Everybody ( Backstreet's Back)"..

The crowd was screaming, Nick, Brian, A.J., Kevin, and Howie all stood up amiss them, hugged their families, each other, and ran up stage to collect their award.

They hugged the presenters of the award and shook hands, then they turned to face the screaming audience. Brian took the microphone to make the first speech. And Nick bumped Howie and leaned over to whisper in his ear, "And you said we couldn't get anywhere with this!"

Howie bumped him back and smiled,"So I was wrong!" Then he stepped forward to take the microphone from Brian and began to make his speech.

When asked on how they came up with the idea for "Everybody" the Boys always say, '"Oh, it just came to us one night when we were traveling."' '"It came to Kevin first. Then Nick's imagination blew it to pieces...."'

That's what they tell people, and sometimes now they even believe it... But we all know now what really happened.... Don't we?

The End?

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