Chapter 2

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"Alright,let's continue our lesson.Take out your math textbook."Said Ms Hye."Nae..."The whole class respond.

The whole class began to taking out their textbook but Sakura was checking through her bag.It seem the textbook is not in her bag."Eh?My textbook...."Sakura continue checking through her bag but still haven't find her textbook.

"Where is my textbook?Did I forgot to bring it or something?"Sakura has just remember when she rushed to school.She remember that she left her book on her study desk."Aah....I left my textbook...."

"Sakura,where is your textbook?"Asked Ms Hye.She noticed that Sakura is the only one who doesn't have a textbook on her desk.

"Well....I left my textbook at home."Said Sakura as she scratched her head."Since it's your 1st day of school,I will give you chance.If you forget your books again,I will make you stand outside the class.Understood?"Said Ms Hye.

"Yes...."Sakura respond while shivering.

"Chaeyeon,can you share your textbook with Sakura?"Asked Ms Hye."Sure."Answered Chaeyeon.
Chaeyeon combine her table with Sakura and put her textbook on the center of the combined table.

"Oh thanks."Said Sakura as she smile to Chaeyeon once again."Don't thank me.After all,Ms Hye asked me to share my textbook with you."Said Chaeyeon while blushing.Whenever she see Sakura smile at her,her heart can't stop pumping harder.

"Alright,let's continue our lesson." Said Ms Hye."Sakura."Ms Hye called Sakura."Nae."Sakura respond.

"Since you forgot to bring your textbook,can you read the question 1?"Asked Ms Hye.

"Of course."Answered Sakura.Sakura look at question 1 of the textbook.A few minutes later,she still looking at the question."Uhm...."Sakura was looking at the question blankly.

"Sakura,can you read the hangul?"Asked Ms Hye.Sakura shaked her head to said no."I see,who want to volunteer to read the question since Sakura can't read the hangul?"Ms Hye asked the class.

The class were just looking around and didn't raise up their hand.Chaeyeon wanted to help Sakura but she so shy especially when Sakura is in trouble."No one?"Asked Ms Hye.

Chaeyeon suddenly raise up her hand.She made up her mind to help Sakura."Ok good.Chaeyeon,please read the question."Said Ms Hye to Chaeyeon.

Chaeyeon started to read the question.As she finish reading it,she sat down."Kamsahamnida."Sakura whispered to Chaeyeon.Chaeyeon just nodded to Sakura.


One hour later,their math class already end.Now it's their PE lesson.The whole class went to the gym for their lesson.Some of them are still changing into their PE clothing,so they still in the dressing room.

-Dressing room-

"I'm glad that the math lesson are over."Said Yena."Yeah,that's right.Today is our 1st day of school and yet,we need to memorise all the formula."Said Yuri then she sighed.

Sakura going to change her uniform to her P.E shirt but after she taking off her uniform,her uniform suddenly fell on the ground.Sakura sighed and pick up her uniform from the ground.
Sakura suddenly slap both of her cheek with her both hand.

"Alright,I hope nothing bad happen to me."Said Sakura.Chaeyeon saw Sakura,so she walked toward her."Saku-"Chaeyeon was about to call Sakura but she saw Nako who was also calling Sakura.

"Sakura,are you done?"Asked Nako.Sakura looked up to Nako and smiled."Yeah....let's go"

"Ok."Nako responded.Both Sakura and Nako left the room.Chaeyeon then sighed."Chaeyeon,what are doing here?Let's go outside."Said Eunbi,then she suddenly grabbed Chaeyeon and dragged her."Um....yeah..."Said Chaeyeon.

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