Chapter 14

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When the music start,Chaeyeon started to move.Her whole body move.She dance through the rhythm of music,leaving everyone especially Sakura shocked.

"S-sugoi."Sakura said while clapping.

The way Chaeyeon dance is so amazing.She dance like a feather that spread from her body.Everyone was amazed watching Chaeyeon.She never see someone who dance like that before.

She then stopped dancing when the music is stop.The whole class don't know how to describe of Chaeyeon's dance.It was amazing that they thought they were watching concert of their favourite kpop star.

They put their hand together and clapped for Chaeyeon.Sakura quickly approach to Chaeyeon who was sweating because of the dance she did just now and put her handkerchief on Chaeyeon's sweaty forehead to wipe her sweat off.

"Kamsaham-"Chaeyeon was about to thanked Sakura for wiping her sweat off,but Sakura wrapped her arm around Chaeyeon's neck,snuggle through her neck.

"You were amazing,Chaeyeon."Sakura whispered to Chaeyeon on her ear,making Chaeyeon blush.

After a few seconds,Sakura broke the hugged from Chaeyeon as she notice the whole class were watching them hugging each other.

"Sakura...Chaeyeon....are you....?"Yena said as she use 2 of her fingers,gesturing them with her fingers like if the 2 of them is really a couple.

Sakura and Chaeyeon couldn't keep their relationship secret,they look at each other and nodded with a smile."Yup.Something like that."Sakura said as she scratched her head.Her cheek was red.She was embarrassed to tell her friends that she and Chaeyeon are attached together.

"What?Since when?"Yujin asked as she quickly walked toward Sakura.

Again,Sakura was embarrassed,she couldn't speak for herself,but then,she felt a soft hand touching her hand.It was Chaeyeon.She was gripping Sakura's hand tightly.

"When Sakura was admitted to the hospital."Chaeyeon answered for Sakura since she can't answer it.

"Oh~"The whole class said loudly and Sakura just sneered at them."Have you done it before?"When Yena asked Sakura that,she started to coughed.Sakura flashback when she and Chaeyeon kissed.

"Don't tell me...."

Sakura wanted to get out of here because the conversation is getting worse.She glance to Chaeyeon and smile awkwardly at her and Chaeyeon smile her back.

Seongwoo saw the whole class was gathering around Sakura and Chaeyeon."What are you guys doing there?We still got lesson here."Seongwoo said and the whole class nodded to him.

The dance class was so intense.All they did is to dance for the next 2 hours.They were so tired that they might fall off soon.Hitomi knee down.Her knee was so stiff.She can't move around with her stiff leg.

"Ittai...."She hissed while rubbing her stiff leg.Her leg was so pain,she try to stretched her leg but her leg was still pain.She wanted someone to help her massage.Maybe Sakura could massage her.

Hitomi then shook her head,she remember from 2 hours ago that Sakura already have girlfriend.And that girlfriend is Chaeyeon.

If only she was Chaeyeon,she will be lucky to have Sakura as her girlfriend.She suddenly slapped her face hard,she just realise she have been thinking about Sakura.Everyday,she always think of Sakura,she couldn't stop thinking about her.She was about to slapped again but Chaewon tapped her shoulder.

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