The Bet

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"I can't believe I'm doing this" I whisper to myself as I look at the haunted house in front of me.

"Hey at least the line is short so that you can get it over with." My friend says trying to make me feel better.

"I don't get why I have to do this."

"Well, you made a bet with Nicole that you could go through the haunted house without someone"

"I can't believe that my big mouth said that."

"Well, you are very prideful soooo, yeah."

"Hehehe. Oh god the line is getting even smaller."

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?"

I then think about the bet I made with Nicole. That's when my pride takes over.

"No, I got this. I will win this bet."

"Okay, Here's quote to somewhat make you feel better. It's by Stephen King 'The scariest moment is always just before you start After that, things can only get better'"

"Okay, I got this. It's probably not even scary."

"Yeah, now your talking."

"Oh boy, it looks like it's my turn."

"Remember the quote I told you!"

In the end the haunted house wasn't so bad and of course I won the bet.

The End

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