Every Thing Is gonna Be alright.

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A/N~ I'm Having Writers Block For this story! So If you have any Ideas Please tell mee and I'll dedicate my next chapter to you!! ~Jenna Grayce <3

Zayn's P.O.V

A tumor?! How could she have a tumor and No one know about it! "Is it Cancerous?" I didn't Reilze what I had said.

"Luckly, No, And we have no idea how long it has been there, Jezzibell has no medical records what so ever. Do you know her last name.

"Malik." Liam steped in, "Try that,"

"Ok I'll be back in an hour, Zayn, Jezzibell asked to see you." The man walked twords the front desk, I prepared myslef to talk to Jezzy. I slowley started to her room. when I entered water filled my eyes. She was pale, and the life was sucked out of her, Ivs were in her arms and She had goth around her head from the fall.

"Z-zayn," She sniffiled.

"Shh, Its ok," I walked to the side of her bed, "Everythings fine,"

"No its not, I forgot to tell you about my diabieties, and, What if I die." Jezzibell started to cry, "Or I might get sick and things will never be-" I cut her off.

"Jezzibell Malik, You are not gonna die, its just a small noncancerouse tumor that is gonna we removed tomorrow morning, and you know about diabieties, you are not going to die!" I didn't reilize my voice was rasing untill Jezzy jumped back a little. "You can go home soon, and it will be like nothing ever-"

"Zayn can I speak to you for a second" the doctor inturupted me.

"Sure, I'll be back in a sec Jezzy," I kissed her forehead. And walked with the doctor to the hall.

"Zayn in her records, She had this tumor once, But They couldn't remove it, over the years it grew, causing her curculation to her head to decrease, Thats why she passed out, We need to have surgry, And We need to do it now, So She can't go home. She has to stay 24 hours after her surgry."

"Ok, I'll tell her," I started to walk into the room,

"Don't. We will give her her 'meds' and then she won't know." The doctor placed his hand on my shoulder," We don't want to stress her out."

Jezzibell's P.O.V

The Doctor walked in with a smile. "Hello again Jezzibell, I'm going to give you this medication to help you heal ok?" He handed me a cup of Medicine. I drank it, and before I knew it My eye lids droped.


Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep...That annoying sound, I opened my eyes, to see I was still in the hospitle, My head hurts 10 times worse then before. Zayn was sleeping in the chair next to my bed.

"Zayn, wake up," I shook him,

"What?" He pulled his groogy face up, "Oh, Whats up Jezzibezzi?"

"My head hurts worse,"

"Oh Its just from the surgry it will be better tomorrow," Zayn streched.

"Oh ok.....Wait what?! I was in surgry!" I yelled.

"Shh, Its ok we didn't want to stress you before hand so they put you to sleep, Now your all better!" Zayn made motions with his hands.

"Next time tell me before." I snaped,

"There wont be a next time. Now get some sleep to sleep the head ache off. We can go home tomorrow." Zayn kissed my forehead, "Goodnight love."

"Night Zayn, Sleep tight." My eyelids felt heavy again, and I drifted off to a sweet sleep.

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