Part 2: The Deal

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-Hereford Base, UK-

-Six's POV-

I sit watching my laptop, a frown on my face.

News Reporter: "The body of Giovanni Alfonsi was found today outside his home in downtown Pompeii. Alfonsi appears to have been murdered late last night. Police are unwilling to speculate on the case at this time, but they have told us that the victim was found mutilated, burned, and decapitated. His head was nailed to his front door on a spike, and his remains were strewn around the house. Alfonsi was wanted on charges of armed robbery, as well as the first-degree murder of Alessandra Romano, a young girl who worked at the bank he robbed. We now go live, to-"

I mute the broadcast, shaking my head. I should have known he would pull a stunt like this. This is exactly why I chose Specialist De Luca to accompany me to see him. Anyone else would have tried to bring him in by force. And for that, they would have been buried in that graveyard. I need to get in front of this, before he loses control. I reach for my phone, and punch in my desired number. It rings twice, before the line clicks open:

Alibi: "Specialist De Luca speaking."

Pompeii, Italy

Alibi's POV

Six: "I want him brought in tonight De Luca. No exceptions. Do NOT, let him out of your sight this time, understood?"

Alibi: "Yes ma'am."

Six: "And whatever you do, don't piss him off. He's starting to lose control again, and if that happens, he will kill everything around him."

Alibi: "Inteso. Starò attento." (Understood. I'll be careful.)

I hang up the phone, and lay back down on the comfortable hotel bed, sighing deeply. Great. Now I have to find a way to convince him to come peacefully. At least I know where to look for him. I swing myself out of bed, and start lacing up my boots.

Time Skip, 30 Minutes Later

Alessandra's Graveyard

I arrive at the graveyard, looking around for Marco. Six told me this was the place he would most likely be after the events of last night. Begging his sister for forgiveness. I weave my way through the gravestones, looking for Alessandra's. I come to a stop in front of it, and find a bouquet of roses lying on top of it, along with a small wooden statue of a wolf. Attached to the flowers, is a note. I carefully pick up the note, and read it:

Enjoy the flowers.

I smile, then notice something strange. At the bottom of the note, there is a small arrow, pointing towards the hill to my right. I turn, and glance up at it. Sure enough, I can just make out the figure of a man standing atop the hill, looking down at the graveyard. At me. The man turns, and disappears from sight, but I'm already running to the hill. By the time I make it to the crest, he is already gone. I lean up against a massive tree, catching my breath.

Marco: "You know, you really should be more aware of your surroundings."

I gasp, and turn my gaze upwards, to find Marco sitting high in the branches above me. He gives me a small wave, and hops down next to me, alighting upon the ground with barely any noise.

Marco: "You'll live longer that way."

I look over him, taking in his appearance again. God he is gorgeous. Marco notices me staring, and some hidden emotion flashes briefly in his stormy grey eyes. I look closer at his eyes, and notice that they have a sort of unhinged light within them. Damn. Six was right, he is losing control. I slowly reach into my jacket pocket, and he immediately tenses up, though he doesn't make any moves against me. He relaxes as I pull out a file of papers.

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