Psychological Report

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Marco is an enigma to all, even me. While I know him better than most, I still have only the smallest knowledge of his past, and I suspect that even then, what I know is only what he allowed me to find out.

What I do know, is that Marco spent a number of years absent from any records whatsoever. I cannot say for sure, but given his behavior, I believe he may have been homeless for those years, living on the streets.

This has given him a very jaded disposition towards not only the members of his team, but towards the very idea of trusting somebody other than himself. However, his time on the streets taught him how to survive, by any means necessary.

Marco seems to have a hidden side of himself, one that he keeps buried deep within him. I have seen it only once, when he lost control years ago during a robbery. The result was Marco mercilessly slaughtering everyone around him, without exception.

Specialist Kateb informs me that this does not seem to be a case of psychosis or Schizophrenia. His leading hypothesis is that this may be a kind of subconcsious defense mechanism that allows Marco to cope with the terrible acts that he has been forced to commit.

I suspect that without this defense mechanism, Marco may have been driven completely insane a very long time ago. I admit that I am curious as to what might have originally caused this reaction to first occur. Perhaps some form of childhood trauma?

Regardless, we cannot allow him to lose control again. To that end, I have assigned Specialist De Luca to work alongside Marco. Not only would it appear that Marco acts far calmer when in De Luca's prescence, but so far she is the only person with whom he seems willing to speak at a level beyond superficial greetings.

My hope is that Specialist De Luca might eventually wear down his cold exterior, and that he may allow himself to open up to her. I suppose only the passage of time will reveal the results of my machinations.

Additionally though he remains entirely distrustful of them, Marco appears to be quite protective of his team mates should their lives become endangered. I am unsure of the reasons behind this puzzling shift in Marco's behaviour. Perhaps it may be a simple instinctive reaction to a presented threat?

I have been told that Marco spends a large portion of his time in R&D, working on some kind of device he designed. I plan to assign Specialists Pichon and Streicher to assist him with this task, in hopes that Marco might allow himself to form a friendly bond with the two over their seemingly shared interest in mechanical design. While I realise that the chances of Marco becoming friendly with them are less than favourable, I believe that any bonds he can form without overt hostility will be a promising start. Provided that is successful, the experience may help incentivise him to socialize more with the other members of Rainbow.

Lastly, Specialist Kateb informs me that Marco shows signs of severe chronic insomnia. While it is unclear what caused this, we do know that it must be monitored closely, or else this will start to affect his performance in the field, and likely his self-control. Perhaps Specialist Ramirez may be able to assist him in coping with the lack of sleep, as Ramirez himself also suffers from insomnia. It is my personal hope that Marco will continue to serve with team Rainbow, though only time will tell what his decision will be on that subject.



Okay, let me just say this now. THIS IS NOT THE NEXT CHAPTER I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON! Okay? Cool? There is another chapter coming soon, but it's coming together a little slower than I would have preferred, so I'm posting this to tie you guys over for the moment, okay? Hopefully, the next chapter should be out in a day or two. So please...*deep breath*...*squeaky voice* don't kill me.

Tanto amore,


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