Chapter 8: Galaxy Eyes

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Hello, hello, hello!

It's 10:18 am right now, I usually write my chapters after school or in the evening. So, this kind of new for me. Right now, to get inspiration, I listen to Sunset Lover by Petit Biscuit, it's my favourite song. I love Petit Biscuit in general, I definitely recommend them.

~ Love you guys!

Sean's POV:

"Felix?" I choked, I looked at Mark and then at Felix. Then I see who Felix is with, Marzia. "How ironic, Felix," I say, "Ye were angry at me for having a new one, yet here ye are." I gesture for Mark to sit down across me, Felix snorts and Marzia grabs Felix's hand, "It's alright, Felix, calm down." Marzia whispers.

Mark looks at me, "Sean, don't." He says, then he turns to Felix, he glares at him. I put my hand on Mark's shoulder and I rub it, Mark tenses but then relaxes. "Look," Mark begins, "Let's just all continue with what we had planned, I was taking Sean out for dinner and you are clearly taking Marzia out for dinner." He looks at Felix, he puts his arm around Marzia and they walk out of the restaurant.

Mark turns around to face me, I sigh, and I shake my head. Mark laughs and I grin, we both pick up the menu and we decide on what to eat, "Do you want to share something?" Mark suggests, "That's fine with me." I say glancing at him over the brim of the menu card. "How 'bout, spaghetti Bolognese?" Mark asks, I nod in response and I look at the drinks. Hm, what should I get, I decide on a sprite and Mark on a coke.

Mark calls a server and we order, when the server repeats our order and leaves, I look around the restaurant, it feels a lot different when I am here with my family, but now with Mark, it feels like a dream.

Mark's POV:

I look at Sean, I look at his amazingly blue eyes and his smile as he glances around the restaurant, I chuckle, and Sean turns towards me, "What?" He giggles, "Nothing." I say still chuckling, "You just amaze me." I say locking his gaze with mine. He smiles, oh God, his smile, he looks around again, I look at his soft lips, they look like they feel like rose petals, they feel like rose petals.

Sean looks at me, "Mark?", "Yes?" I say, "How would ye describe yerself?". I look at my hands and I think, "A sad, hopeless romantic." I answer, he beams, "How would ye describe me?" I look at him, "How long does it have to be?" I answer, "As long as ye want it to be." He answers, still smiling. "You're my lovable, funny, talented, amazing, brave, loud and cute goofball." I answer, grabbing his hand. He blushes, and I feel my head turn red as well, "Aw, shucks." He says while giggling.

The food arrives after what seemed like forever, I'm still holding his hand, "I never want to lose ye, Mark, I don't' know why I left ye for someone who I didn't love." He says as he lets my hand go. We both start eating the Bolognese, slurping down all the noodles. We laugh, we joke around and we tell stories, Sean tells me the story about his parents in the morning, man, I miss the McLoughlin family. We finish the Bolognese and there is sauce all over Sean's face, I wipe it off with napkin, "Stay still!" I say, Sean laughs, after a few minutes I finally I get it off his face. "Want dessert?" I ask him, adjusting my tie, Sean shrugs, "I guess that's a yes." I grin, and I order a lava cake with vanilla ice cream.

We finish it in no time and I call a server to pay, "I'll pay." Sean says, I shake my head, "It's on me." I say handing the server the money. Sean crosses his arms, acting as if he's offended and he chuckles. We both walk out, I put my coat on and Sean wears his. I didn't want to leave yet, "Want to go for a walk?" Sean asks, I nod, "I'd like that." I say, smiling at him.

After walking for 15 minutes, we arrive at the beach. We sit on the grass, a few metres away from the water. I lay down looking at the sky, I put my arms under my head and Sean lays down next to me. He folds his arms on his chest and he looks at the sky, the sky showed all the colours and all the stars. I turned to look at him, he didn't notice I was looking at him, his eyes looked like galaxies. The sky reflected in his eyes, he was a star himself, the brightest star in my life.

I noticed a mini mart close by, I told Sean I would get something to drink, he nodded as a response and he continued looking at the sky.

Sean's POV:

After Mark left to get some drinks, I was alone with my thoughts. I thought about Mark, about how he forgave me, about how he let me back into his life. I also thought about yesterday, I kissed him, should I kiss him again? Should I confess?

Should I ask him to be you know, my boyfriend again?

I sigh loudly, "You alright, Sean?" I see Mark sitting down next to me with two beer cans. He hands me one, "Yeah, I'm fine, what about ye?" I look at him, the stars reflect in his chocolate brown eyes. "I'm feeling great, because I am with you, Sean." He says, winking at me, while opening his beer. I sip the beer, while sitting up, looking at the sky again. I see Mark looking at me out of the corner of my eye, I turn, and I look at him, he smiles, and I feel the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

Mark finishes his beer and walks to the bin and he throws it away, he walks back, and he sits next to me. The later it gets, the colder it gets, I lean against him and I feel his warmth reach me. I look up at him and he looks down at me. I lay down with my head on his lap, he relaxes and allows me to lay more comfortably.

I put down my beer and I sit up in front of Mark. I grab his hands and I look at him, his hands are enormous compared to mine. He smiles at me and I blush, I look at the ground as I slowly shift closer towards him.

Mark's POV:

As Sean shifted closer, the warmer it got, his knees were touching mine and I could sense he was nervous. I smiled at him to calm him down, he was breathing heavily. He opened his mouth as if he were going to say something, but he closed it again. I pulled him closer, I could feel his breath against my nose, our noses touched.

Then, time slowed down again, his rose petal lips touched my lips. I put my arms around my waist and he put his around my neck. I kissed him with all my heart and it was intense, he got closer and closer. Then I let my love for him consume me, his body against mine, there were no boundaries. It was like we were sucking the love out of each other, his hand glided over to my jaw and he pulled me closer.

The world became quiet, it was just me and Sean and Sean and me. Nobody would ruin this moment, we broke free and I was crying. I loved him so much, I pulled him into a hug, "Ssh, it's ok." I heard him whisper, "I missed you too." I looked at his galaxy eyes, he looked back at mine. His face was perfect, his personality was perfect, everything about Sean William McLoughlin was perfect. "Mark, I-" Sean started, "I-I-I lo-", He got broken off by my phone ringing. I looked annoyed, but I noticed it was Ethan, I looked at him and Sean nodded. "Go ahead, I'll be here." He smiled at me.

Well, well, well!

I'm gonna release another chapter today, chillax!


~ Kat

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