Chapter 2

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Hanna was in a deep sleep and drooling all over Emily's pillow when Emily walked back into her bedroom after just taking a shower and getting ready for school. She smiled at the sight shaking her head and was about to wake Hanna up before a thought hit her causing her to turn around and head back downstairs. When she came back into the room she was carrying a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin. She set the water and pills down on her desk then went over and sat next to Hanna on the bed. Emily shook her shoulder gently. "Hanna, wake up." All Emily got in response was a groan. Rolling her eyes she shook Hanna a little harder. "Haaannnnaaaaaa." Emily said in a sing-song voice dragging out her name.

"Unnnggghhhhh. Go away." Hanna grumbled burying her face deeper in the pillow.

Emily just laughed. "Well I would but if you drool on that pillow anymore you're going to drown and I'd like to keep you alive. Plus we've got school so come on. Wakey wakey."

Hanna groaned raising her head from the pillow and cracking an eye open. She immediately closed it back when the harsh early morning sunlight nearly blinded her and increased the pounding in her head. "Oh god please just let me drown." She complained grabbing her head in pain.

Emily laughed again before getting up and going over to her desk. "Here this will help." She said holding out the glass of water and two pills.

Hanna sat up, immediately popping the two pills into her mouth and chugging down the glass of water. She handed the glass back to Emily with a small smile. "Thanks."

Emily returned the smile. "You're welcome. Now get up. I have to drive you to your house so you can get ready for school." She said moving over to her desk to get her books ready.

Hanna groaned again. "How are you so awake? You got less sleep than I did and I feel like I need an IV drip full of coffee just to get out of this bed."

"Well I didn't drink a bottle of whiskey last night and use half a bottle of vodka to wash the taste out of my mouth." Emily replied looking over her shoulder. She shoved a textbook into her bag then turned to face Hanna. "But if you be a good girl and get out of bed..." She said approaching the bed again and kneeling down at the edge. "I will make you breakfast at your house while you're getting ready. And get you coffee on the way."

Hanna looked to be thinking before flopping back on the bed. "I'm not moving for anything other than pancakes."

Emily laughed. "I can do pancakes."

"And bacon. Lots and lots of bacon." Hanna added very seriously.

"Deal." Emily said with a grin. After a moment she cleared her throat and gave Hanna a serious look. "So, are you okay?"

"Other than this massive hangover you mean?" Hanna asked sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant." Emily replied. "I meant with everything that happened last night. You were really upset and stuff like that just doesn't get better over night cause I gave you a pep talk."

Hanna smiled at her. "If it's an Emily pep talk it does."

Emily rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Han."

"I am being serious." Hanna said looking directly at Emily. "You didn't just give me some half-assed 'you'll be okay' speech. You helped me remember all the things I had forgotten about myself. You helped me remember who I really was. It made a difference Em."

Emily was still skeptical that Hanna was truly okay but nonetheless she smiled back at her anyway. "Gotta be good for something right?"

Hanna laughed a little at that then gave Emily a nervous look. "Are you, um, know, with last night. The I mean."

Hannily: Its all very confusingWhere stories live. Discover now