Choices, choices,

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So...don't own. Yeah. You know the drill. Let the games begin! Hehe!

Aros POV (cuz I wuv u guys)

Ah, Edward. What a fool. The idiot boy thinks he can evade us. Me, the powerful volturi king?! I hear them coming....with a human. Could it be. Isabella swan? This is a sight to see. She's with The Major! They walk in and I'm captured by her beauty, and power. She's amazing. Perfect. Mine! What am I saying. I have a wife. I'm attracted to her power. Yes, that's it. Her gorgeous, entrapping, enthralling, unbelievable beau-power. Not beauty. She shall join my guard. I fight back snarls and growls and hisses when I hear her story. What wrong with me? I'm married. Not happily with my wife, she's not my mate but married all the same.

"Edward will you join us?" Say no! Say no! He says not and I relax.

"Jasper Will you join us?" I ask. He shakes his head. Much to my dismay. But however, Isabella. Just the thought if her name in my head makes me dizzy. I want to say her name, her to say mine.

"Isabella, will you join us?" I ask. Her name is beautiful. Like her.

"Yes. I will." She says and I want to shout in joy. The thought of her painful. But its her power. Not her beauty. Not her beauty.

"Master." She adds and bows. She turns to Jasper, tears in her side, chocolate colored, innocent eyes. I want to wipe them away.

"Jasper, my love, my brother." She says and I resist the urge to shout-

"Mine! I'm her love!" Edward shouts. I hiss at him on reflex. The brothers stare at me in shock. I recover quickly.

"You do not yell at my guard like that, you do not make a scene in my throne room. This is my home. Not your. Get out of here." I growl out. With one final glare he races out.

"My sister, my love. I will miss you." Jasper whispers to her, venom tears in his eyes. He loves her. He catches a tear from her face and places it in his eye. She laughs weakly and embraces him. He hugs her back.

"Darlin, if I find out your not ok, I will wreck chains in the Volturi so great, Maria will seem like a tea party." She shakes her head smiling. An angel.

"Oh no! Oh shit. Jas!" She looks like she will have a panic attack.


"My other supernatural friends." She says and he gasps.

"Oh fuck. Oh Fuckitty fuck. How could you forget? Bella! Dammit they will burn down this castle." He groans.

"Lie to him. Watch Paul. He, ah, loses his...temper easily. Jake to, Sam to, Seth will be reasonable. Tell them I died. Or something. Because a certain...vampire is here. I really think they'll get hurt. Jasper. Here's my promise to you Major. Yes, Major. If any of them get hurt because you failed me, I will have your head. Understood Major?" She hisses and it's the angel had a devilish side..amazing. He whimpers and nods. The god if war whimpered! What had this beauty done?

"Understood. Permission to leave?" He asks. She nod swiftly. As he walks out she calls,

"Protect my family Jasper, you don't want me to be angry with you. I swear Major Whitlock, on the Cullen and Volturi crest I will hurt you and anyone who stands in my way. And be safe. Use your gift as well as mine if you catch my drift. And at costs, give Jakey my cell phone number. I'm gong to call him in a few minutes. I love you." She finishes. She's touching and sentimental and brave and tough and Marcus is looking at me funny so I glare at him.

"I swear. I love you. I will give Rose your note. You've made her existence Bella. As you've made mine." And with that he disappears. What note?

"What note?" Caius asks. She looks worried.

"Well the reason Rosalie hates her existence is because she can't have children. I tracked her real name down and it turns out, her descendants are alive and in an orphanage. I gave her the address, names, and her history." She says and fidgets.

"Who's your other supernatural friend?" Caius asks. This is weird. Caius is never interested. Fear fills the humans eyes.

"Oh shit. Oh fuck. Caius...they aren't really werewolves!" She starts out. Renata, my personal guard pushes her shield out to Isabella to harm her but it wish touch her.

"Bitch, as a human my shield is stronger than yours will ever be and it's still developing. Try that again and I'm going to cash in she favors. To rip you apart and burn you slowly." Violent. Dark, beautiful. She will replace Renata. That I'm sure of.

"Caius, they are shifters. I'll explain later. Now I need a freezing cold room to sleep in." She says. This room is cold.

"Because, I'm used to having a vampire to sleep on. Jasper, Edward, Alice, Carlisle.."

"Jane, show Isabella to her room." I say. Marcus is smiling and Caius is staring. Even my brothers are intrigued. Strange human indeed.

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