| Chapter Three |

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No matter how many times I flipped to another channel, I could not seem to find something good enough to take my mind away from what had happened this weekend. The club. The rooms. The inflicted torture brought on by those women.

It was Sunday night and I was still waiting for Cayli to explain to me what exactly was going on that night. As usual, she never came home on time. Even though I had to speak with her, I knew I had to get some sleep to make it to work on time...

"Are you fucking kidding me?" With the palm of my hand, I pressed down onto my car horn, allowing the sound to flow with the rest of the people who were stuck on the expressway.

I glanced down at my wrist watch, frowning as I looked at the passing time.

I'm in trouble now.

My neck extended as I tried to get a better look at the flow of traffic ahead. Disappointed, I sighed, wondering how my excuse for being late would get me by now...

I floored the pedal, forcing my car to speed up the ramp and into the closes parking spot available. I cut the engine and stepped out, reaching back in to grab my heels and paperwork before I closed the door and sprinted across the lot.

I called the elevator. I slipped on my shoes after pressing the button to my desired floor. I looked down at my watch. Seeing the time made me almost queasy. I knew my boss would have my head...and possibly my job.

I bit down on my lip, watching the elevator count up to my desired floor. Before I could reach my floor, the elevator stopped and the doors parted on a passing floor. Standing across from me was a man. A finely dressed man at that.

His head was down, his eyes solely focused on the folded paper in hand, unaware of the woman who waited for him to hurry up and get on. He stepped in. I stepped to the side, my head low to avoid any eye contact or conversation. He pushed a button. Another number on the pad lit up.

My patience was thin. My mind was buzzing with different outcomes of the events that would happen in the next ten to fifteen minutes. Tapping my left foot my right arm raised, allowing me to see the amount of time that had passed me by.

"Do you mind?" I looked up, catching the glare of the man in the elevator. With his paper, he pointed into the direction of my tapping foot.

"Oh sorry."

I took another glance at my watch, hoping somehow time would freeze for me.

"Are you late?" The man mumbled, his eyes still focused on the newspaper.

"Um yeah." There was a slight shrug from me.

"You seem to be checking that watch a lot." He took a quick peek at the ten dollar watch. "Tell me, how late are you?"

There seemed to be that little voice inside of my head, urging me to tell him that it was none of his business however this was my work place. Who knows if words could get back to anyone.

"An hour...or two." I coughed up the words.

"So what will your boss do?" He looked up at me, allowing the ice in his blue eyes to gawk right through me.

"Um well, he may cut my hours or write me up...or cut me off."

"Hmm if I was your boss." He leaned over, allowing his enchanting scent to attack my nostrils with an amazing aroma. "I would punish you."

I looked at him as I began to snicker. I was a few seconds into the laugh, before I realized I was the only one who found it humorous. I turned my laugh into a cough before I proceeded to speak.

My Boss is my MasterWhere stories live. Discover now