| Chapter Four |

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We were ten minutes into the meeting and for some reason, I felt so uncomfortable. For one, this goddess of man was tantalizing, and two, our first encounter was me being late...again. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Ms. Walters?" I snapped back into reality when someone called my name.

"Yes?" I looked up to see the ocean blue eyes staring at me with so much intensity.

"Are you paying attention?" He leaned back in his chair as he, and everyone else stared at me.

"Y-yes Mr. Waterman." I murmured.

He stared at me for a few moments before he decided to speak again. I face palmed myself...again. I stared at him, ignoring the words that flooded out of his mouth. The only thing I could seem to focus on was his beautiful pink lips, and his husky voice that bounced off the walls of the conference room.

I have seen so many been before. I have seen so many cute and alluring men why did I look at him so much differently?

Suddenly the door opened. A woman stepped in. She walked straight to Mr. Waterman. Her slim, attracting figure caused everything to pause in the moment, all eyes on her as she switched her hips toward him. She leaned down near him to whisper something in to his ear.

"Thank you Melody." He gave her a warm smile before she walked out of the room. He focused back on the waiting group. "Meeting over."

With those final words, he stood up and left.

I sat at my desk, my fingers hovering over the keyboard of my computer. I could not find the words to type. My mind was so lost. Why couldn't I stop thinking about my boss? Is that a bad thing? That's not healthy.

I glanced out of my office door. From the small window, I could see my boss's office. I'm not even sure why I bothered to look. With the blacked out curtains, it was almost impossible to see in to.

In front of his door was his secretary desk, which was occupied by his secretary Melody. He made it visibly known that no one got to him without getting passed her.

I know it was weird for me to be ogling at her this way but she was absolutely stunning. Her fiery red hair curled to perfection. Her red lipstick matched perfectly with her red locks. Her blue eyes stood out in a crowd. Her slim Victoria Secret model figure could capture any man's attention. I couldn't be jealous of her, I could only admire her.

She reached for her phone, picking it up to bring it to her ear. She nodded a few times before her eyes shifted toward my office. Toward me.

I quickly looked away.

I looked back at the large monitor, my mind left to wonder if she actually saw me looking. There was a knock at my door. I looked up, my eyes attracted to the red locks. I shoved in my keyboard before I invited her in.

The door opened. Her name brand high heels tapped against my tile floor. Again, I acted as if I was working, completely nonchalant about the random words I had typed in on the screen.

"Ms. Walters?" My head popped up eagerly.


"Mr. Waterman would like to see you for a moment."

"Okay, thank you." She smiled and nodded as she stepped out of the room.

My nerves were on the edge now. What did he want to see me for? What did I do? Panic began to strike as I desperately tried to figure out what he needed from me.

Okay Simone, relax.

I stood up from my desk and walked toward Mr. Waterman's office. Melody smiled before she assured me that it was safe to enter.

My Boss is my MasterWhere stories live. Discover now