Part 4

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Ga: Omkaaraa...(loudly)

Omkara stopped in his tracks and he realized that he had crossed his limits, once he heard her tone. He turned back and looked at her with a look of feigned innocence.

Gauri walked down the stairs and whispered dangerously to him.

Ga: I need to talk to you..

Omkara nodded and both of the walked downstairs. Together, they passed the drawing room and walked out of the house, to be out of reach from the children. Once they reached the portico of the house front, they stopped. Gauri faced him with a hostile look.

Ga: Omkara..I need to amend some rules in our deal..!!

Omkara waited for her to speak again and didn't try to interrupt. Gauri looked at him confidently and continued.

Ga: You can't just go on with physical intimacies like this, Omkara..They are kids, for heavens sake..They will suggest anything, but you are an adult..! I just agreed to act like your wife, in front of your kids..That doesn't mean that you can do anything to me, Ok..!

Gauri's voice shook and she tried hard to maintain her composure. Omkara kept looking at her angry face and thought, "Wow..She looks even more beautiful, when angry..!!"

Om: (resigned look)I am sorry, Gauri..It won't happen again..

And then without saying anything else, he walked down the steps and was gone in a jiffy.

Gauri watched him leave, and instictively she touched her cheek and her fingers brushed the spot where he had kissed her.

Just then the kids entered the portico. Ayaan was having a wallet in his hand.

Ay: Papa dropped this upstairs..Did he leave..?

Ga: Yes beta..give it to me..I will keep it..

The kids gave it to her and ran inside. Gauri decided that she will make a call to him and inform about the wallet.

As she was about to move inside, her feet slipped a little at the threshold, and the wallet flew off from her hand.

It lay open on the ground and she went nearer to pick it up. She bent down to get it, and then she noticed a photograph inside the wallet.

It was the photo of Omkara with a woman. His arm was around her shoulder and both were smiling happily. Their love for each other was quite evident in their eyes.

She was very much beautiful and Gauri couldn't help feeling a slight amount of jealousy.

Ga: So this is his wife..Mother of Ayaan and Navya..!!


While driving to his office, he thought,"I know Gauri..I shouldn't have kissed you..My intention was not to hurt you..I just wanted to please the kids..But I don't know the reason which made me really kiss you..!!"

He thought about the day when he had first kissed Ishana on her cheek. A bitter smile crept upon his lips.

He compared her with Gauri. Gauri was such a sweetheart whereas Ishana was selfish and stubborn. Ishana never really loved him, or else she would never have left him without understanding his plight.

Just then he got a call on his mobile. It was Gauri and a happy smile appeared on his face.                                    

Om: Hello, Gaurii..

Ga: Omkara..You have left your wallet here..

Om: Oh..Is it..? I will be back now..

Omkara felt a thrill at going back to her home so that he could see her again and he took a U turn and drove the car back home.

Hum Aapke Hain Kaun..? - A RiKara Story(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now