Chapter 2

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Jin's POV

I'm not dreaming?! Yes! I go to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and take a quick bath.

"I'm not dreaming! Yess!" Someone shouted. I believe that he might be J-Hope.

"Shh! Be quiet! Someone is till sleeping you know" Suga might said.

"Aish! Jin-hyung! Where are you?! We want to eat" Taehyung shouted.

"Aish" Suga said.

"Why do I always cook for you guys?!" I said.

"Because your the eldest" J-Hope said.

"How about Nayeon? She is also the oldest of their group" I said.

"Or you just want to cook with Nayeon" V said.

"Ooo~" everybody teased.

"Nayeon and Jeongyeon can help you. You want Nayeon to help you and Jeongyeon can help you because she is good at cooking" Jihyo said.

"*Sigh* I taught that there will be a cook here" I sighed.

"I'll help you" RM said.

"Okay thanks" I said.

We went to the kitchen and cook with Nayeon and Jeongyeon and also RM. We have cook Jokbal because it's Nayeon's request. We put it in the dining table and prepare everything.

"Foods ready!" Nayeon shouted.

"What's are we going to eat today?" J-Hope said.

"Omo! It's Jokbal!" Momo said.

"Let's eat guys!" Jeongyeon said.

             NY JN JY RM MM JH CY
              JH JK SN  V   MN JM SG


"This is so yummy!" Momo said while chewing her beloved Jokbal.

"Eat slowly and don't talk when you mouth is full" J-Hope said.

"Ooo~" we said.

"Stop it! We're eating" Momo said.

After eating, Momo and J-Hope ate the left over Jokbal.

"I'll wash the dishes" Jihyo said.

"I'll help you" Jungkook said.

"Okay" she said and they go to the kitchen with the dishes.

"After that, let's make the song. Jihyo, Jungkook, Suga, and Chaeyoung, go to studio over there after Jungkook and Jihyo finished the dishes. Jimin, Mina, J-Hope and Momo at the practice room over there. And the others will just get to know each other in the living room" RM said.

"Okay let's go" I said.

Jungkook's POV

I have another chance to be close with Jihyo. We wash the dishes and we go to the living room with the others.

"Jihyo and Jungkook! Go to the studio over there" RM-hyung said as he pointed at the room.

"There's a studio here?!" Jihyo asked.

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