Chapter 7

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Taehyung's POV

"Sana-ssi" I called. She look at me straight into my eyes and she hummed.

"Can we... uhm... I mean... Can I... uhh" I stuttered. What's wrong with you Taehyung?

"Can you... what?" She asked. I'm getting nervous.

"Can I court you again?" I asked. What the heck, V? Courting her again when you hurt her?! She stayed silent. I hide my face because of embarrassment.

"If" she started. I widened my eyes in shocked. She is giving me a chance?

"If what?!" I quickly asked. She giggled in my reaction. I do look funny.

"If you promised to not hurt me" she continued. I nodded my head fastly and many times.

"I promise" I said and still nodding. She laughed and hit my shoulder lightly.

"You can stop nodding now" she said. And then, I stopped. I'm so happy right now, you can tell.

"Thank you for giving me another chance, Jagi" I said. I kissed her forehead and hold her hand. We interviewed our fingers and go and find the others.

Jungkook's POV

Where is V-hyung and Sana-noona. They should be together now, right? Is it a good idea to let them be together?

I'm panicking right now. What if, we have another problem about Sana-noona and V-hyung.

"Jungkook-oppa! Are you okay?" Someone asked. I look at the person beside me who is comforting me. It's Jihyo. My heart beats so fast.

"Are you okay? If you want, we can go to the rooftop for some fresh air" she said. I can't refuse a time with her. I nodded and go with her.

We take the elevator at Jihyo pressed the 'RT' button. We are at the ground floor and it started to move. Jihyo faced me and stare at me. She look at my hand that has a bruise.

"What happened to your hand?" She asked and hold my hand. This time, it makes my heartbeat run faster than a while ago. I think it's going to explode.

"That is nothing" I said as I put away my hands from hers. I want to touch if a little more again.

"No it's not" she said. She take my hand again and look at it again. I can feel that my face is burning.

The elevator stopped at 4th floor. People started to ride the elevator. They keep pushing Jihyo that is why Jihyo is leaning towards me. Until, Jihyo and I are super duper close to each other. Our body is now tenacious.

My face has been never been red before. It's very very very red. My heart suddenly exploded. This is the best day of my life.

And again, the elevator stopped at 7th floor. All the people got off the elevator and it's only me and Jihyo now.

"Ahh! Finally! It's not anymore crowded. It looks like forever" she said as she stretch her arms. I watch her and she looks cute to watch at. She's always cute.

"I want it though. It only looks like a few seconds" I whispered. Jihyo looked at me in a shocked face.

"What?!" She said. I must have said that aloud. Aish! This is the best but embarrassing day in my life.

"Sorry! Did I say that aloud?" I asked. Jihyo suddenly, giggled.

"No, no! I want to hear it again" she said. I was (Jung)shock. Today was the best, embarrassed and shockest day in my entire life.

"Jinja? Wae?" I asked. She was about to answer but the elevator stopped again. The elevator door didn't open and we are trapped.

"Oh no! We're trapped" I said. Jihyo started to knock at the elevator door and yelling for help. I pressed the bell button.

"Jihyo! Stop! I have pressed the bell button. They might come here already" I said. She calmed down and sat at the corner. I should call or text my hyungs. WTF?! There is no signal here.

"Sat here" she said. She tapped the floor beside her. I sat beside her and silence fill the air.

"By the way, from what you said earlier, why do you want to hear it?" I asked. She look at me and sigh.

"Promise me to not tell to everyone" Jihyo said. I nodded and raised my right hand.

"I never believe that someone will ever love me. Only me, my friends and family. They are the only people who are the one who still loves me. After Chanyeol-oppa leave me, I hate boys then. Well, when I realized that you boys are different than him, I just started to hate Chanyeol-oppa. Just him and not all the boys. I just hate it." Jihyo said. I looked at her and her tears are about to fall.

"Well, there are still people who truly love you. Who wants you so bad. Who wants to touch you. Who wants to kiss you. Who wants to hug you. Who wants to be with you in the whole life" I said and looked at the light. The light seemed be working well.

"And who is that someone?" Jihyo asked. I look at her forward and stare at each other. We look like that we are playing a staring contest.

"Who?" She once asked again. Should I tell her? I should tell her now, right? Today is the right day, am I right?


To be continued...

Happy Jeongyeon Day!!!

We wish you all the best. We love you 😍❤️😘

By the way, I waited for Jeongyeon's VLive

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By the way, I waited for Jeongyeon's VLive. I taught she will have a VLive because it's her birthday today but, RM is the one who started Live.

Namjeong (Namjoon×Jeongyeon) is Real!!!! I'm going to die because my ship is coming true

Namjeong (Namjoon×Jeongyeon) is Real!!!! I'm going to die because my ship is coming true

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I know that the others ship her with Jimin, I don't know why. But, I understand. They are not No Jams.

But I ship her with RM because they are both the mommy and daddy of the group. I ship Jimin with Mina because they look good together and they are both dancer.

I respect your ship but please, please respect my ship also. And also, my ship is on my bio.

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