Echoing far

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"Don't get to close to the river Rainkit!" Silverpool purred. I love the river it's so pretty and fun. But I've heard stories of kits that have fallen in one of them was Mistkit I have been told that she was a VERY beautiful kit, she had a beautiful silver pelt of fur with dew always in it like she had the silverpelt in her fur and she had beautiful icy blue eyes. Then she fell in the river and was never found........What a shame too they searched for her and even swam in the river but still didn't find her. I look up to the sky are you in Starclan Mistkit? will I ever meet you there? I've heard stories from Ferntail that she met her when she was on a patrol she said that at first she saw a beautiful silver she-cat with dew in her fur but when she looked at her, Ferntail realized that this cat had pretty icy blue eyes and thought she was seeing things. But the patrol saw the pretty she-cat too and she didn't have stars in her fur. The patrol crept closer and they heard the pretty cat murmur "Starclan hear me... protect my clan and lend me the wisdom I need to lead them till I join you." Then she looked at the patrol calmly. Rainfur was the first to speak "What are you doing so close to the border?" the she-cat was going to speak but then Ferntail stepped out in front of Rainfur and mewed "What's your name?" The she-cat looked at Ferntail and her eyes widened and she mewed "my name... my.. my name is Miststar" but she ended off meowing it as a challenge. Ferntail gasped. The patrol had already started glaring at her.

Then Miststar looked at the sky and stood up "It's best I get moving" just then fog rolled In and The rest of the patrol other that Ferntail walked on."Mistkit is that you?" "Yes but I'm the leader of Mistclan now I will not go back to riverclan." Miststar stared. "B-But how? how did you survive the river?" Ferntail mewed. "There is a clan you can tell no one about it is Mistclan they saved me..... so if a kit or anyone falls in you can count on Mistclan to save them, we are specially trained for rescuing others, staying hidden, masking our scent, and getting around in the thick fog."Miststar meowed. Ferntail understood "alright."

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