Types of Hugs

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Todd: Burying their face in your neck during a hug

Viola: Jumping into your arms to hug

Davy: Rough "bro" hug

Mayor Prentiss: Awkward but kind of comforting hug

Mistress Coyle: Light hug that you wish was a little tighter

Ben: Long lasting reunion hug

Cillian: Proud slap on the back during a hug

Manchee: Just wants to be held

Aaron: Pat on the shoulder instead of a hug

Wilf: I'm hugging you because I'm proud of you

Lee: Swinging you around in the air during a hug

Bradley: Resting a hand on the back of your head during a hug

Simone: Rubbing your back gently during a hug

The Return: Doesn't hug

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