Chapter 2

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Sonic and Fluttershy walked down the hall until the reached Principle Celestia's office. Fluttershy gave a little knock on the door, and a female voice spoke through, "Come in."

Fluttershy opened the door as she and Sonic walked in. Inside was a woman sitting in her desk. She had very bright pink skin, her hair was in a mixture of chartreuse green, teal blue, and taffy pink, and she had mauve purple eyes. She wore a golden yellow jacket with a sun on the collar, dark purple pants, and golden shoes.

"Hello, Fluttershy," the woman said, "How can I help you? And who is this young man with you?"

"This is Sonic, Principle Celestia," Fluttershy said, "He's a new student here at CHS, and he protected me from Sunset Shimmer. He needed help to find you."

Celestia smiled, "That's nice of you, Fluttershy. I'll take care of him for orientation. You get to class."

Fluttershy turned to leave the room, but not without waving bye to Sonic, who did the same thing back to her. Sonic sat down in a chair in front of Celestia's desk, "Hello, ma'am."

"Hello, Sonic," Celestia said, "Welcome to Canterlot High School. I'm Principle Celestia. I'll be taking care of your orientation today. To start, may I have your middle initial and last name?"

Sonic scratched his head as he struggled to think for a second, before he remembered Tails' last name and decided to use that while he would lay low. So he responded, "My middle initial is H, and my last name is Power."

Celestia wrote them down on her wooden board in her hand, and then she asked, "All right, what school and town have you been transferred from?"

Sonic took a careful thought, and then answered, "My old school was Emerald High, and I came from Emerald City."

"And what kind of classes are you most interested in?" Celestia asked, "I have a list on my wall."

Sonic looked at the list on the wall behind Celestia, and made his choices, "Athletics, music, gym, and… math."

Celestia wrote everything down, "Thank you for your orientation, Sonic. Here is your schedule for the year."

Celestia put out a sheet from under her desk and handed it to Sonic. It was his schedule for the year. His first period was a free period, second was gym, his third was math, then there would be lunch, and his fourth and final class would be music.

Sonic stood up from his chair, "Thank you, Principle Celestia. I'll see you later if I need anything."

"Have a wonderful day, Sonic," Celestia said.

Sonic smiled as he exited the room. Once he closed the door, Celestia just sat down in her desk thinking about him, "Hmm, that was very interesting. Very interesting indeed. I've never heard of Emerald High or even Emerald City before. I'm going to have to keep my eyes on him very closely."

Sonic walked down the hall looking at his schedule memorizing his courses. They didn't seem really bad for his type, "I know math's not my favorite type, but I am pretty good at it thanks to Tails. Free Period should be okay. But music and gym, they're definitely entertaining."

Something had caught Sonic's attention. It looked like it was a poster on the wall. It had the title on the top ' Vote for the Princess of the Fall Formal', and it showed a picture of a golden crown with a light purple crystal star on top of it.

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