Chapter 8

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Sonic and Rainbow Dash began to fight. Sonic threw a jab at Rainbow, but Rainbow moved her head to the side before the blow landed. She then threw a hook at Sonic, but Sonic jumped back with a backflip.

Sonic managed to land on his feet with no problem. She smirked at Rainbow, "Come on, Dash! Is that all you got?"

Rainbow smirked back, "Oh, you really don't want to see everything I've got, Sonic."

Rainbow charged at Sonic and began to throw multiple punches at Sonic at quite some high speed, but Sonic was able to block each punch with ease. He then grabbed Rainbow's fists, and then he spun her sideways in the air. Rainbow managed to land on her feet and stopped herself from crash-landing.

Gage, the girls, and the crusaders all watched the fight from the bleachers. Scootaloo was straight up enjoying this.

"Wow, look at them go," Applejack said, "I'd say they're evenly matched for each other."

"I'd say so," Gage agreed, "Rainbow's skills in combat are much higher than I thought they would be."

Sonic threw a jab at Rainbow, and Rainbow ducked down right into a perfect split. She then swung her leg at Sonic's feet, but Sonic managed to jump right over it. He then threw a punch at Rainbow, but Rainbow managed to grab it before it landed.

Rainbow threw a knee-kick right at Sonic's stomach. Sonic gasped and coughed from the pressure he just received as he held his stomach, "Oh, man… (Cough!) Ow…"

Rainbow chuckled, "Come on, Sonic, don't be a baby. I didn't kick you that hard."

To her surprise, Sonic suddenly jumped up with a roundhouse kick to Rainbow's face. Rainbow spun around in circles before falling to the ground. She groaned in pain from the attack.

Sonic wiped some dust from his shoulder, "Oh, I know. I tricked ya, didn't I?"

Rainbow rolled onto her back, got onto her hands, and neck-kipped back onto her feet. She then got right into her fighting stance again, "Not bad, Sonic. But you'll need more than that to win!"

Apple Bloom was getting excited, "Looks like they're taking things up a notch!"

Rainbow then began constantly switching between throwing punches and kicks at Sonic, and Sonic kept dodging and blocking each of them. Then they both started throwing attacks at each other, and each blow just landed on each other. They were more matched for each other than they thought.

Rainbow shoved Sonic back before jumping in the air and throwing a kick at his chest. Sonic rolled backwards on the ground, until he got onto his feet. He then saw Rainbow coming at him and throwing a jab, but Sonic quickly ducked down before throwing a punch at her stomach.

Rainbow backed up a few feet panting a bit exhausted. Sonic wiped some sweat from his forehead, "Well, this has been fun, so far."

Rainbow shook her head getting some sweat out of her hair, "Yeah, but now, let's up the ante a little bit."

Rainbow suddenly pulled out a baseball bat from behind as well as a basket full of baseballs. Sonic was suspicious, "What is she doing?"

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