Chapter 7

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Sonic and Gage explained to Twilight, the girls, and the crusaders their story. They explained who they were and where they came from. Sonic explained how he ended up here in this world, what the swatbots were, and who Eggman was. He even told them all about his life with his siblings and choosing not to be a prince.

Twilight, Spike, the girls, and the crusaders were all amazed at this story. They all had astonished looks on their faces, "Whoa…"

"So you're really a blue hedgehog?" Fluttershy asked, "There are other talking animals on your home world?"

"You're a hero and the child of a queen?" Rarity asked amazed.

"And you've been battling a mad genius for years?" Scootaloo asked.

Sonic nodded, answering their questions. Rainbow let out a cheer, "That. Is. Awesome!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie agreed, "You're like a super-duper superhero!"

Even Applejack knew that Sonic and Gage were telling the truth, "Huh. So… how long had you been fightin' this 'Eggman', Sonic?"

"Longer than I can remember," Sonic said, "I'd just say more than fifteen years. I beat him over, and over, and over again. No matter what improvements he had or came up with, he always failed, but he would never give up."

"Wow, you really make him sound like he really hates you," Sweetie Belle complimented.

"More than you'd think," Sonic added, "So, you're all not mad at us because we're talking animals from another world?"

Rainbow wrapped her arm around Sonic, "How on Earth can we be mad at you when we have awesome friends like you and Gage?"

Sonic chuckled, "I guess you're right."

Sonic began to form a small blush on his cheeks at Rainbow. Yet, surprisingly, Rainbow's cheeks were blushing too.

"Oh, I would really love to go to Mobius," Fluttershy said, "Just thinking about all of the adorable animals there makes me so excited."

"I think you'd love it, Fluttershy," Gage said, "Well, except for when Eggman would attack."

Rarity then asked a question of curiosity, "Sonic, may I see one of those Chaos Emeralds of yours, please?"

Sonic took his backpack off, dug inside it with his hand, and he pulled out the blue Emerald. Not only did its shape and color catch Rarity's eyes, but the glow and sparkling from the energy astonished her. The others were amazed by how it looked as well.

"Oh, my goodness, it's so gorgeous," Rarity said more amazed than ever.

Rarity's hand slowly began to reach out for the Emerald, but then Sonic's hand quickly pulled it away right before she could touch it. Rarity was confused, "What's the matter, darling?"

Sonic responded, "I'm sorry, Rarity. But I don't know if I should risk letting you touch the Chaos Emerald."

Rarity flexed an eyebrow, "Why not?"

Gage answered, "Because each of the Emerald are extremely powerful, even if you have only one of them. There's no way of knowing what would happen if a normal person had taken this emerald. Many of our people on Mobius believe that if a normal person had even touched it, their minds would be controlled by the Emeralds and they would be given uncontrollable power."

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