Chapter 22

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I put my phone back down and I nodded my head towards the taxi driver as I sat down behind, the taxi driver nodded in return and began driving off to the venue that I was supposed to go to. Mr Park has told me about the plan earlier and he will be waiting for me there.

I have decided that for the best of the two of us, I had wanted everyone to know the truth behind the death of both our parents. The truth can't be kept hidden forever, if I don't reveal it now, the truth will be even more painful. It is best that they know it about now.

And today is the day where I would expose the two of them, the two people who are responsible for the death of both my birth parents and of course YeEun unnie's.

I would want her to be here in person so that she would be able to see this in person but she refused to come back, I don't know why exactly does she not want to come back. It is not like she is cursed to never return back to South Korea and have to retreat to some other country, she made the choice to leave the country and now she doesn't want to be back.

Do I really have to pretend to be her for a whole year?? It would be easy but I doubt so, it has been harder and harder to hide my identity these days. A lot of people have known who I really was and I didn't intend to let them know at all, Kim Seokjin, Mr Park and most probably Park JinYoung.

I have rejected his proposal to me and I'm afraid that he might know that I am not the real Baek YeEun, the Baek YeEun that he should love and it is not me, it is my older twin sister. I can't let him know that there are two Baek YeEuns before we get to switch back, he must know nothing, absolutely nothing that he must know. He would hate me a lot...

But I know that what I am doing right now will benefit all the people around me and of course Baek YeEun herself, it doesn't matter if I would get hurt in the process. All I know that the real Baek YeEun must be protected at all times. I can always go back to my old life where no one would know me other than being the dirty orphan that no one else wants to date but YeEun unnie can't, once her career gets ruined, it would be game over for her.
You might hate me for now but you will come to thank me later on...

The taxi stopped in front of the hotel and I got out of it, I was careful not to let my dress would be drenched in rainwater as I lifted up my dress up a little. There is an event today at the hotel and all the important people would be there, which includes everyone from BHM enterprises, my biological father's company.

I got into the place after telling the ushers in front that I am indeed the Baek YeEun that is invited to this particular event in this hotel, I gave a slight nod before going in. I'm supposed to meet Mr Park first once I have reached and he is here on the first floor, currently talking to the other CEOs in the industry.

My eyes went over to the small group of middle-aged businessmen with slightly grey hair and one of them still had such luscious black hair, that is Mr Park. I walked over and they nodded at me as I greeted them. "Mr Park, thank goodness that you are here. Could I talk to you for a minute??"

I looked at the other men with an expression that I want them to get away so that the two of us can have a word with each other without them interrupting. I waited for them to get away for at least 10 metres before I start talking. "Where is your sister??" He asked frantically.

Still hiding in Furano... "She refused to return but it can still be done with me alone right??" He nodded.

"I have prepared a clip of them as I go up to present and you will go up the stage as soon as you are done. The police are already ambushed right here in this room so he has no way of escaping even if he wants to. You know what to do right??"

He wants me to cry, as pitifully as possible to make things even worse and that a lot of people are around, I have to show that I'm in great despair as I found that both of my birth parents have been murdered by my foster father and the truth has been hidden for nearly 20 years.

I nodded. "I'm just waiting for you to give the cue." I gestured to the side of the room. "I will be going to the snacks bar for the time being," I smirked and I walked over to the snack bar to get some food.

I have not eaten any lunch as I was so worried that things might fail if my sister wasn't present here instead, that I might mess up and expose my own identity without knowing. I might get thrown behind bars instead of Mr Baek for using someone's identity for illegal purposes. I must not mess this up or not I will hate myself for life for bringing harm to myself and YeEun unnie.

I saw the shadow of someone walking towards me and I turned around after getting my food, it was Park JinYoung. "I didn't know that you would be at this event and you looked lovely tonight."

Those words made my heart flutter and I tried hard to get rid of those feelings. Why does he affect me so much?? SiEun, you can't let him affect you tonight...

"I appreciate the compliment. Did you bring anyone along, like a date??" I asked.

He nodded and I felt my heart sunk a little. He has a date?? Of course, you sort of rejected him that night and he will not like you ever again. What kind of guy would be so stupid??

"Who is it?? Your younger sister??" He shook his head. "The person that you liked."

"She is now standing in front of me right now, eating her sausages and enjoying her food a lot." I stopped chewing and gave it to the attendant who happened to walk past the two of us. "Could you heat it up later when I have to leave?? I don't have the mood to eat right now." I turned towards him. "I'll see you around later. I have to go to the bathroom."

"Can you meet me at the fountain after you are done?? I have something to say to you." He tells me and I ignored him, walking to the toilet as I felt my tears forming at my eyes.

Go love some other woman, I'm not worth your love...

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