•I have a date•

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I woke up at the sound of Leah's voice, 《you lazy ass, Jake is downstairs》 as she said that i stood up fastly dressing up, i put some make up on and i finally went to Jacob.

The ride to school was full of laughters, him making stupid jokes made me happy.

Me and Jake had the same classes except for Italian, that wasn't obligatory, i only wanted to study another language.

My first class was PE, a total disaster, i was the only girl, but the teacher wanted me to play volleyball anyways.

All was going fine when a guy i supposed his name is James hit me in the face 《I'm sorry Kayleah》 he yelled 《Kay!》 Jake ran toward me 《Jacob I'm fine》 i laughed causing him to frown 《James try not to kill her》he gave him a dirt look 《okay boss》 i laughed again.

The rest of the school day passed slowly, but with Jake all was as more funny.

He came near to me and smiled sweetly 《Kayleah Luna Clearwater wanna come with me to the homecoming next week?》 He asked, i jumped a little for the happiness 《Yes I'd love to!》 He laughed 《wait how do you know my middle name?》 I asked laughing with him 《I asked Leah》 he answered nervously.

I went home. I was almost jumping, i mean, Jacob Freaking Black invited me to Homecoming.

《Why are you so happy Kay?》 Seth asked as i closed the door behind me
《Oh nothing much》 i said still smiling like crazy 《Is Jacob taking you to the homecoming right?》 Leah asked making my face flush a little 《yeah》i said 《i knew that, come with me girl》

I followed Leah upstairs, to my room 《Jake left something for you》 i noticed something on my bed 《IS THAT A DRESS !?》 i screamed in happiness, it was the yellow dress i saw in the shop near the Quileute one.
A little piece of paper was near it

"Hey Kay
I saw how much did you like this dress, so it's all for you.


《Aaaw he left a cute message》 said Leah, i just laughed shaking my head slowly

I stared at the dress probably blushing a lot making Leah laugh 《this is going to be a great homecoming for you Kay》 she smiled 《and you have a date and i don't》 she was sad but she was still laughing, i smiled at her 《you will come with me and Jake oh and Seth too》i said, she just shrugged her shoulders.

I composed Bella's number, trying to find a person to talk to 《hey Kay what's up》 she answered 《hey Bells, Jake invited me to Homecoming》 i let out a little scream 《I'm so happy for you girl! I know a person who can help you with your dress and your make up!》 She said 《who's that?》 I asked 《my boyfriend's sister, she's pretty great》 she answered 《at five at my house. I'll take you to her》

➳ five P.M. at the Cullen's

Bella introduced me and Edward when we were at her house and then she take me to the Cullen's house.
A beautiful woman with long dark hair opened the door smiling down at us 《hey you must be Kayleah come on in sweetie》 we went inside where a pixie like girl and a boy with blonde hair were sitting on a couch.

《Hey I heard you're going to Homecoming at the reserve... you already have a dress right? Oh and I'm Alice by the way》 The pixie said in excitement making me giggle.

《Yeah Jake bought it for me》i said feeling my face turning in a dark shade of red. Bella noticed that and smiled.

Alice introduced me to Jasper... i thought they were sibilings but let me say that they seemed like a great couple, after all they weren't t even related cause they were adopted so... i would fangirl a lot if i got to know they were together.

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