•Bella's graduation pt. 2•

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The night had arrived in what seemed like twenty minutes. I and Jake were already at the cullen's house.

《Hey Bells I have a present for you》 Jacob said.

His arms always wrapped around my waist. Bella giggled.

《You didn't have to Jake...》 she took the box, when she saw the bracelet, she smiled.

Jake made her a wolf pendant. It was really beautiful but to be honest my birthday present was way better.

He made for me a ring with a yellow stone on it (yes if you didn't know my favourite color is yellow ) and if you look carefully you can see a se a sentence "Kwop kilawtley

Kay" (a/n: I still don't know if it's "i love you" or "stay with me forever")

Embry and Quil gave her a little smile then Alice came downstairs, she stopped, "a vision" I thought.

I ran toward her followed by Bells and Jake.
《Are you okay Alice?》 I asked 《they're coming》 I looked at her in confusion 《the vampire's army》 she said in a serious way

《An army?》 I asked 《what? That mutt should've said that to you》 Alice shifted her gaze to Jake, if a look could kill Jake was already dead.

《I wanted to protect her》 Jake defended himself. I turned around to see his face 《I am a werewolf too, you know? My job is to kill vampires》i blurted out 《are you kidding me? You had just come out from a coma and... oh whatever》 he rebutted.

《You know? I still don't know why I trust you, why I still keep coming back to you》 I blurted out again. I tried to walk away but Jake took my hand.

《You have to understand that I did that just to keep you safe》he looked down at me 《Jacob》I just said

《please forgive me, i know i always make mistakes. I am so sorry》he kissed me

《Okay leave the kisses for later now we have an entire army to think about》 bella said. We walked outside with all the rest of the Cullens.

《The pack will fight》 Jake said 《will Sam agree?》 Carlise asked 《we're born to fight leeches》

We went back home. Jake wasn't going to sleep with me and I missed it but I needed to stay with my family for awhile at least until the army came.

《Good night Kay 》 Mike kissed my forehead 《are you going to fight?》 I asked him 《no, this is not my battle sis but If you need a hand- I mean a paw you can count on me》.

I fell asleep and the next morning I walked to Jake's house.

Jacob was on his bed not looking at me 《are you okay?》 I asked 《I don't know if I can do it, let you fight, you can die and i don't want this to happen》 he simply replied 《I'm not going to die, no one will》 I looked around and stopped looking at a picture.

Jake, Rachel, Rebecca and Sarah in a beautiful picture, I felt Jake hugging me from behind with his strong arms.

《I remember her》 I suddenly said 《really?》 He asked

《yeah, she was the strongest woman on this planet, I remember she always talked with my mom about how good you were, but I remember also my mom telling her that I was crying because of you and she said
"oh boys... whoever understand them have my admiration" I remember i giggled at this sentence also if I was only five, she picked me up saying "if when you're older that boy of my son will hurt you again give him slap on the neck from me" 》 I said a little bit nostalgic

I could feel Jake's flashbacks running inside his mind.


I looked at the window where in the room a little Jacob was playing with his toys. I was two years old and I had just learnt how to walk, I was with my mom and we were going to enter a house I had never seen before

《hey sweetheart We're going to meet some friends okay?》 my mom reassured me
When a beautiful woman opened the door I started to smile.

《Hey Indiana how are you?》 She asked 《I'm fine and you Sarah?》 They hugged each other

《Hey sweetie you're Kayleah right?》 The young woman asked 《Yesh I am kayyeah》 I answered 《can I pick you up sweetie? I want to show you someone》 I nodded, she lifted me up and walked to the livingroom where the boy was playing.

《Jake this is Kay》 Sarah said, Jake turned around facing me, we looked in each other's eyes and all of sudden I felt like we were connected.

《Kay Kay do you want to pway?》 He asked as Sarah put me down 《y-yesh Jakey》.

We played for awhile then Jake refused to give me his wolf form toy and I got angry.

《Mommy Jakey won't give me his wolfie》 I said hugging my mom 《hey Jacob let her play with it》 Sarah said to Jake 《but mommy that's mine》 she picked him up

《Listen to me sweetheart let her play with Wolfie for a little okay?》 Jake nodded and gave me the wolf. I stick out my tongue at him 《mom she's so mean 》 Jake cried out.

《Whoops I didn't want to hurt you》 I smiled 《I can give you a kwiss if you want me to》 I said, he blushed and I pecked his cheek.

End flashback

《You were so mean when you were little》 Jacob said coming back into reality 《I know, I've always been a bad ass》 I said in defense.

《I'm happy that I can remember those days》 he said 《me too jakey, me too》 I kissed him, we fell on the bed, Jake was on top of me.

《You're heavy Jacob》 I laughed 《I'm all muscles baby》 he said pecking my lips 《or you're eating too much》 I said and he started tickling me 《are you saying I'm fat?》 He asked still tickling me.

《No babe p-please stop》 I said out of breath 《better》he lay on top of me trying not to hurt me.

We fell asleep in that position.

《Kids lunch is ready》 Billy woke us up 《yes We're coming》 I said
We ate and then we went with all te pack at the cullen's.

《If you don't want to do this you're not forced okay?》 Carlisle said 《until we have some bloodsuckers to kill we'll always going to fight》 Jake spoke up smirking.

《Seriously guys someone can get killed》 Bella said 《We're made for this Bells 》 I spoke 《okay just try not to get hurt》 she added.

《Okay we will start practicing tomorrow, now go and get some rest》 Esme spoke up smiling at us.

We left the house. Jacob holding me tight as he wanted to protect me, from everything, made me feel complete and happy.

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