lost, but found;

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as the days went on, she began improving spectacularly, learning the notes in  merely 2 days.

everyday jimin watched her in pure awe, mesmerised at how fast of a learner she is, most of all curious at what song she was learning, as it sounded very familiar. his mouth got to it before his mind could piece the question together.

"song, play, familiar?" he strained, not realising he had said it out loud, the timid girl beside him quickly whipped her head around to look at his burning cheeks and regretful face before she spoke,

"i- what?!" the girl spluttered, holding in a throat-splitting laugh.

the red cheeked boy rephrased his question, masked in embarrassment, he paid close attention to how he said it,

"i meant, what song were you performing? it sounds very familiar" he uttered, his cheeks fading, but face still cringing.

"oh." she started,
"well, it's called 'spring day' but i don't know who wrote it or sung it because my grandma just found it in a cafe, i think it's such a beautiful song, and has such a well thought out meaning."

jimin gasped, excitement bubbling within him, he finally had someone he could recommend the so called 'amazing man' to,

"i know who writes that! he's a violin tutor," he rushed out.

her face shone, for the past five years she had been searching for the artist everywhere, needing to know who he was, wanting to be taught his amazing ways. the aural singers needed to be known, for they calmed her down on bad nights and soothed her to sleep.

hopefully she'll meet the singers when she meets the composer. the smile on her face never vanished as jimin handed her his business card, wishing her a good luck for he was known to be stubborn, but what she didn't know was that he was a cocky bastard, and he gets what he wants.

she was going to repay him in any way he would want, not realising that what he wanted could get her into quite a sticky situation.


well! that's the end of the flashback. who's excited for her to meet the
is so called sex addict?

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