1. A New Villain

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*during a nice night in Equestria all the residents are sleeping and dreaming*

*during their dreams Luna and Artemis are patiently and calmly watching Twilight and Dusk organize their library happily in content from their rafters*

Twilight- *to Dusk calmly* Lets see, how should we organize these?

Dusk- *to her* Let's do alphabetical by subject! *smirks* It's been a while since we've done that.

Twilight- *smiles*

Luna- *narrating contently* It may seem strange to you, looking in from the outside, but this is where we come when we want to relax.

Artemis- *narrating contently* The duties of a royal can be taxing. Important things can be inconsistent, but here, there is consistency. Here, there is order.

Dusk- *smiles to Twilight* Let's pull out everything from aardvarks to alicorns just to get started.

Twilight- *nods*

*the two levitate their books off the shelves and levitates them in circles surrounding them*

Luna/Artemis- *smiles calmly* *narrating in unison* Sometimes we wonder if it's too consistent, but who are we to judge. *the two stand up*

Luna- *narrates* After all, we are the Royals of Night and Dreams.

Artemis- *narrates* Even we, Princess Luna and Prince Artemis are famously remembered for being...complex.

Luna/Artemis- *smiles calmly as Twilight and Dusk work* *narrates* Which reminds us, as much as we could sit here all night and watch them work...*they activate their magic* we are needed elsewhere. *they teleport out of Twilight and Dusk's dream*

Twilight/Dusk- *levitates the books to a stop and smiles sincerely* (Pleasant dream watching...Luna and Artemis) *continues to organize their books*

*in a different dream the Apple Family is being chased by a giant apple with sharp teeth*

Granny/Grampy- *running* Apples ain't supposed to have teeth! It ain't natural!

Big Mac/Macarena- *running* Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!

Applejack/AJ- *running* Apple Bloom! Apple Buck! What did you two do?!

Apple Bloom- *chasing the apple* Sorry, guys! We don't know how we did it! We were tryin' to help some pony find their cutie mark and-

Apple Buck- *worried* - We don't know! Somehow we made the apple giant and we-

Voices- *in unison* Perhaps we can help?

Apple Bloom/Apple Buck- *shocked to see Luna and Artemis*

Luna- *solemn* Good evening, Apple Bloom and Apple Buck.

Artemis- *solemn* Is there something that worries you two?

Apple Bloom- *admits* Me and Apple Buck feel like we've been spending a lot of time with the Cutie Mark Crusaders recently, but the harvest is coming up and that's the time where our family needs us the most.

Luna- *concerned* And you're both concerned?

Apple Buck- *worried* We don't want to let our family down...but then the cutie mark stuff is what we're meant to do.

Artemis- *concerned* And your family doesn't understand?

Both- *admits* We haven't talked to them yet.

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