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It has been almost a year since Hermione and Ron decided to end their relationship

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It has been almost a year since Hermione and Ron decided to end their relationship. It wasn't that one of them cheated on the other or one of them decided to break it off for no reason at all, in fact, they were going to break up with one another at the same time. It was just that, something just didn't feel right. The relationship almost seemed strained. Yes, Hermione loved Ron, and Ron loved Hermione, but they just couldn't force themselves to love the other in that way. 

The two were still best friends, just not a couple anymore. Truth be told, they both seemed happier than they were before. Hermione even seemed to have moven on, as she had went on a few dates over the past few months (none of that lasted though).

Ron, however, wanted to be patient. He didn't want to go on multiple useless dates, just to never find the girl he thought would be the one. Although, he felt an ache in his chest whenever he would see a couple in passing. 

It had been four years since the Battle of Hogwarts, and every person involved still got nervous just thinking about it. Especially, the Golden Trio. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were praised almost everywhere they went, along with several others, such as Neville Longbottom, or Ron's sister, Ginny.

But who ever said they enjoyed the praise? Who said it was nice to be reminded of a war they had to suffer through as children? No, it wasn't very pleasant. Ron still slept with his hand holding his wand tucked under his pillow, as well as others. Harry had it worse, being the boy-who-lived and all, being recognized everywhere unless he was lucky enough to be left alone. 

After spending two years at the Auror office, Ron left to help his brother, George, with his shop, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Doing so, he had left a few people suspicious, with journalists writing rumors about him, because, who would want to quit from being an Auror? But no one really believed these ridiculous rumors, because there were some implying stuff such as Ron still being affected by the Horcrux hunt, or him being mentally ill.

He had been working at the joke shop for a year now. It had been hard on everyone, especially George, when Fred died, and it took a lot of convincing from everyone to have him reopen their shop.

So far, the shop seemed to be running smoothly, multiple kids were buying supplies, and George appeared to be much happier. However, the boys seemed to realize they needed a bit more help, seeing as they and Verity could only do so much. So George hung up a sign, stating that they needed some employees.

And soon enough, help came walking through their door in the form of a blonde girl with paint smearing her face and hands. 

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