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That night

After the mourning party at Gino's club Harry and Louis decided to bring Quincy with them. Because after all Harry did make a promise to Gino that he would always be there for Quincy. This was a time Quincy needed someone the most. As for the drunkenness Louis and Quincy were the drunk ones who were giggling at mindless things.

"Daddy can we have a threesome tonight" Louis asked. Harry's eyes went wide at what Louis said. "No certainly not" Harry said. "Whyyy daddy" Louis asked. "Because you two are drunk" Harry said. "Gino would fuck me drunk or not better yet we'd both be drunk" Quincy said. The two laughed like hyenas all the way home. "See daddy Gino Would fuck Quincy" Louis said.

"Louis I said no end of story" Harry said. Causing the two to go silent as Louis muttered something under his breath. "Angry Daddy is a sexy daddy" Louis whispered. "What was that" Harry asked. "Nothing" Louis said. Better be nothing Harry thought. As Harry drove them back to their home He thought of the perfect punishment for Louis.

Getting home Harry turned the car off as he got out the two drunken boys were trying to hold each other up. "Cmon it's late" Harry groaned. "Someone's grouchy daddy" Louis Said. Harry rolled his eyes as he watched Quincy and Louis reach the door. "Thanks for letting me stay here H-Arry" Quincy said. "It's not a problem at all" Harry said.

Quincy collapsed on the front couch as for Louis the floor. "Can you get me a blankie" Quincy asked. Harry Held back a coo as he watched Quincy curl up in a ball. He draped the blanket over his body as he watched the boy fall asleep.

Louis on the floor was groaning because he hit his head on the trip down. "My head hurts daddy" Louis groaned. "I wonder why that is" Harry asked. Louis raised his arms up for Harry to help him up. "Help me" Louis asked. "No you brought yourself to the floor you pick yourself up" Harry said. Louis eyes squinted as he tried to get up. Harry loved watching him suffer as his weight and drunk ass fell to the floor.

"Ok ok give me your hand" Harry said. Louis looked at his hand as he tried to pry it off. "No no not literally" Harry said. Harry took his hand as he helped him up. "I Love my daddy yes i do" Louis giggled. "I love you too" Harry said. Kissing his temple as Louis showed a sloppy smile.


The next morning hit like a truck to the two as Harry woke up to Louis vomiting in the bathroom. "Daddy" Louis groaned. "You shouldn't have drank so much" Harry said. Harry went down to check on Quincy as he saw him in the bathroom vomiting. "Great two drunk babies" Harry said.

Harry came back with hangover remedy's for the two as one sat upstairs and the other downstairs. As he was making the remedy's he saw a red car infront of Anders house. Harry knew exactly who's car that was. "What the hell are you doing here" Harry asked. "Relax alright" Joyner said. "You didn't answer my damn question what the hell are you doing here" Harry said.

"It's Abbot, he's gone mad clinically mad I've come to warn you" Joyner said. "Warn me about what" Harry asked. Suddenly a shout was heard Harry's eyes widened. "What did you do" Harry asked. Joyner's eyes filled with tears as he slowly put his hands up.

"I did what I had to do" Joyner said. Harry looked at Joyner as he realized that he had a gun pointing to his head. "I cant do this anymore" Joyner said.

"Joyner" Harry shouted. But it was to late Joyner's blood splattered on Harry as he stood in shock. "Freeze put your hands in the air" a cop said. Harry placed his hands in the air as cuffs we're screwed on his wrists.

"Daddy...why are they arresting you" Louis asked. "I did a bad thing" Harry said. Louis looked down to see Joyner laying dead with a bullet in his head. "You can't, he didn't do anything, did you do this" Louis asked. "I've been on the run since I met you, it's about time I payed for my actions" Harry Said. "No please there has to be another way they can't take you away" Louis pleaded.

"I'm sorry" Harry said. Pressing a quick kiss on Louis lips before they took him away. Louis watched the cop car drive away with Harry in it.

On the inside Harry was a screaming little girl on the outside Harry was emotionless. Watch Louis pleads was something that broke his heart. As Harry was driven away he saw his mansion get smaller and smaller. "How long will I be" Harry asked. "Till Your old and wrinkled" He said. "Lovely hopefully my boy will love wrinkle dick" Harry whispered.

Arriving at the jail Harry walked in behind a guard. Gasps were heard as he felt eyes follow him. The officers couldn't believe that Harry was finally brought in. Walking past cell after cell until he reached his assigned cell.

"What is this place" Harry asked. "Hell" He said. "How lovely I get a dick sucker" A boy said. Harry turned around to see a scrawny boy sitting on a the top bunk of a bunker. "Who are you" Harry asked. "I'm Sasha Hector Shweetz" Sasha said. Sasha walked around Harry looking him up and down. "Tell me you got a Little Boy at Home"Sasha asked. "Yes" Harry asked.

"What's his name" Sasha asked. "Louis" Harry said. "How sweet a mobster like you having feelings for a gay boy" Sasha said. Sasha had a smirky look on his face as Harry cornered him. "I'm not trying to cheat" Harry said. "Neither am I, but just one little peck and we'll call it good" Sasha said. "Uh no" Harry said. "Please my Leon is out in the world while I'm lonely in here I'm lonely without him" Sasha said.

"Well I'm not the one who is known for cheating besides my heart is already locked" Harry said. Holding up his hand Sasha saw the ring on his finger. "Your a married man huh" Sasha said. "Yeah I know it's illegal but I didn't want anyone to have him" Harry said. "That's so sweet" Sasha said.

Sasha opened up a piece of candy that he had in his pocket as he listened to Harry's story. "Where'd you get candy" Harry asked. "Leon smuggled some in during visiting hours, isn't he the sweetest thing, not to mention he also sends me a knife" Sasha said. "Why" Harry asked. "To protect me from these cave men that try to rape me" Sasha said.

Sasha continued to suck on the lollipop as he sat on his bunk. "Do you think he can get me some cigarettes and some good alcohol" Harry asked. "My black hunk of sexy man can get you anything" Sasha said. "You know your kinda alright" Harry said. "You wouldn't believe how many people said that" Sasha said.

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