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This story will probably be the most cliche thing you'll ever read. Plus it'll be featuring some of my ocs and people will most likely be mad at me. . .


Tweek watched the scenery passing by the car. He is sitting in the back, listening to his own music to block out what his parents are talking about. His father is driving while his mother is sitting in the passenger seat. The blonde teen is currently listening to Talk To Me by Cavetown. He started humming along to the tune, closing his eyes. 

"Tweek, we'll soon be in our new town. Stay awake, son." he heard his father say, opening his eyes. He let out a sigh then looked back at the passing scenery.

They passed a sign saying, 'South Park.' 'So, this is going to be the town I spend the rest of my school career in.' he thought to himself. Tweek's parents decided to move the family business to a different town after the shop was busted for lacing the drinks in meth. He still doesn't know why they decided to lace the coffee with drugs in the first place, let alone open a coffee shop where they sold the drinks. The blonde let out a sigh, focusing his attention to the song. He watched as they past multiple buildings before stopping infront of their new home. He unbuckled himself, put his phone into his pocket, grabbed his backpack, then exited the car.

The blonde took the left earbud out of his ear. 

"Tweek, go ahead and pick your room to set your backpack down in. Then you need to go find some friends. I'll text you when you need to come home." his mom stated, Tweek just gave her a nod. He entered the house and headed upstairs. He walked into the bedroom to the left. He set his backpack down then left the room. The blonde then left the house, waving to his parents. He didn't know where to really go, so he started walking towards the park. They had passed it on the way to their new home. Once Tweek got there, he noticed some kids around his age playing basketball.

He approached them. 

"H-hey, can I p-play w-wi-with you?" he asked. They stopped what they were doing and looked at the blonde. 

"Are you the new kid that we've heard about?" the male wearing an ushanka asked. 

"I-I g-gu-guess so." Tweek responded. 

"Cool, I'm Kyle. The male in the red and blue hat is Stan, the fat male is Eric, but we all call him Cartman, the male in the orange jacket is Kenny, and the innocent male is Leopold and we call him Butters." Kyle stated, extending his hand out for the shorter male to shake. 

"I-I'm Tweek." he shook the taller's hand. Both of them retracted their hands. Cartman walked up to the blonde.

"Judging by your overall appearance, Tucker is going to try to claim ya. Happens to all the twink males." he stated, scaring Tweek. 

"Don't scare him, fatass." Kyle immediately retorted. 

"I'm not trying to. We have to protect him. The others never came to us first, they all ran to Fucker. Tweek is the only one who came to us first." Cartman replied. 

"W-who is T-Tu-Tucker?" Tweek asked. 

"Oh god. Stan, explain Tucker to him. I have to go home." and with that, the fat male left. 

"Alright, Tweek. Tucker runs the school. Nothing gets passed him. Donovan, Black, and Valmer help him run the hell hole. Last thing I heard about his current twink is that he moved away right before you moved here. I'm pretty sure Tucker is looking for another twink to make his 'queen' despite multiple girls wanting to take the position. That's literally all you need to know about him. Don't worry, you'll immediately realize who he is once you see him." the noirette explained.

"O-oh. W-was Butters o-one of h-hi-his 'q-queens'?" Tweek asked, motioning towards the blonde talking to Kenny. 

"Sadly, yes. That was during middle school tho. He was the first 'queen' of the school mostly due to him being naive enough to believe that Fucker can improve the whole school." Kyle stated, scrolling through his phone to avoid eye contact. 

"We gotta go home, Tweek. I'll take ya home in case Tucker is around. He needs to know that you're in our group." Stan said and the group of males exchanged phone numbers, then Stan and Tweek left the park. "Why'd ya move here?" the noirette asked the shorter male. 

"M-my dad d-de-dec-decided to open a-an-another c-coffee shop h-here." the blonde responded.

Stan hummed a bit. Both males fell into a comfortable silence. They soon arrived to Tweek's home and said their goodbyes. Across the street from the Tweak's home, a teen male sat by his window watching Stan leave the blonde male. He smirked, grabbing his phone. He quickly sent his friends a text.

King_Fucker: Looks like I found my Star <3

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