The Morning Before

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It was about 8am on a Sunday morning and Rikki had just woken up. Like she did every morning she went to small window of the trailer she and her father called home. As she was opening the blinds to let the sunlight stream into her small room she noticed a figure she recognised look up into the trailer park. Her ex-boyfriend Zane Bennet, she wondered what he could possibly be doing there. She had broken up with him a month ago after she caught him kissing Sophie, she grimaced at the memory. For the first few weeks after they had split up he had tried to bump into her constantly always thinking of excuses to talk to her, god he even went as far as stealing her crystal necklace from Will's boat-shed. And she laughed at the recollection of him getting angry that Will was taking her to the beach party, she had to admit jealous looked cute on him. But recently he had been keeping his distance so why was he outside the trailer park on a Saturday morning, her first thought was that he wanted to see her, tell her something, maybe suggest getting back together. But then why hadn't he come up to the trailer he knew so well, maybe she thought he just wanted to see her from a distance, watch her get through her sluggish Saturday morning routine. 

Rikki decided if that was the case she would give Zane all that he wanted and more. So she slowly got out of her black cami top and red pyjama shorts and was just standing in her striped undies, clearly visible to Zane who was sitting on the grass 30 metres away.

Zane played with the grass at his feet, he just wanted to see Rikki. He didn't even have to speak to her actually he didn't want to. That would probably be to painful for him, just another reminder that the chance of them getting back together was very slim indeed. He knew she wasn't a morning person and didn't expect her to be up for another half an hour at least, so was surprised to see her curtains were open. That's when Zane saw her the sun glowed down on her, making her look like an angel, well to him she was an angel. He gulped when he saw her now naked body looking out the window, had she seen him?, that was unlikely as he knew she would have been mortified but secretly flattered by the thought of him gaping at her perfect body.  He continued to watch in awe as she moved about the room putting on a red bra and matching undies, he felt a stab of sadness knowing that he probably would never get to hold her in his arms again, never pleasure her in only the ways he knew how. He still loved her, probably too much. He loved how her nose crinkled up and how she reared up on the balls of her feet when she was mad or when she smiled it seemed only to be directed at him and made the rest of the world disappear. He wanted nothing more to walk up to the trailer into to her room and place her onto her small bed and show her he was truely sorry for all the pain he had caused her. But the idea of that definetely wouldn't go down well with Rikki, she would think he was a creepy obsessed stalker, which he was but she didn't need to know that.

Rikki smiled as the put on a t-shirt and shorts she knew Zane had seen her. She could feel his gaze even from so far away, quite frankly it was a turn on that he still lusted after her like that, not taking his eyes of her as she got dressed slowly, as she knowingly wanted him to suffer. More than anything Rikki missed the simple comfort of Zane, just knowing that she was loved and that somebody had her back- he got her, they understood each other and she feared that she wouldn't find that deep level of understanding with anyone else let alone the all consuming love she had for Zane. If only he knew how much she loved him, still after everything he had done she couldn't just put aside her feelings for him. Rikki also missed the intimacy they shared, they had an extremely physical relationship well compared to Will and Bella, Cleo and Lewis and even Ash and Emma. The girls told each other everything, but Rikki held back when discussing her used to be sex-life with Zane. She feared that they would judge her, and knew that none of them where as physically connected with their boyfriends as she used to be with Zane. Both Rikki and Zane had been virgins then they started dating, and more than anything were curious to see how the whole sex thing worked. 

Rikki remebered the first time they had got physical, Zane's dad had been overseas on business and she had come over after-school to "study". They had been going out for a couple of weeks and her friends had just found out much to their disgust that they were dating. They had been making out on Zane's bed, the kisses kept getting more and more intense, Zane had snaked his hand up Rikki's shirt and was caressing her stomach. She remembered wanting him to do more take her bra off, rip all her clothes of actually. She felt safe around her-ex boyfriend,Zane however he was cautious he didn't want to do anything to seem to forward and didn't want to do anything to make her think that things were moving to quickly. But to his surprise and now looking backing on it to Rikki's surprise she grabbed his hand forcefully and placed to on her breasts, which shivered at the touch. She remembered how Zane smiled down at her as he planted soft kisses on her face, while tracing her nipples through her red bra. She remembered how pleased he was when she moaned and arched her back in pleasure at his feather-light touch. From then on much to Rikki's delight Zane Bennet was never cautious  when it came to pleasing his girlfriend again. She laughed at his romantic side remembering the night they had gone to Mako Island on the Zodiac and had sex on the beach. One place Zane had always wanted to do it was the office at the cafe, she smiled at the thought but was upset that they had never got the chance.

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