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Revolution - dirty bomb - androids turn Detroit into their home - humans have difficulty with attacking because of radiation - Connor still goes on with his mission

•Extreme Machine Connor (no deviancy at all)
•Hank was hostile (so he commited suicide)
•Josh died in the revolution (canon thing)
•M-Connor killed Captain Allen and his team
•M-Connor is killed by Markus on the battlefield (new M-Connor)
•M-Connor didn't go back to CyberLife to be deactivated
•Simon is alive
•Jericho infiltrated CyberLife once Detroit was finally evacuated
•Failed revolution (Markus and North), dirty bomb was set off
•Androids in the camps helped get into CyberLife
•RK900 converted, then was made a leader for his programming (he can fight, use guns, investigate, interrogate etc.)
•3 RK800s are discovered and converted (Colton, Colin and Conan), they were each given different, high ranking jobs
•RK900 and the 3 RK800s call each other brothers

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