Breakdown (YAY)

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Annabeth's P.O.V.

I know when I wake up that I'm in the infirmary for the second time in under twenty-four hours, it's like I'm turning into Percy. I hear voices and decide to keep my eyes shut.

"Are you sure she's okay? She's been asleep for a long time." I have heard that voice enough to attach Sophia's face to it.

"Yes, she's just overexerted herself. Sleep is one of the best ways for the body to heal itself." Will says.

"Will this help her too?" Sophia asks.

"I believe it will child." I wince at Chiron's voice. I then hear footsteps and feel a weight placed next to me. "Now it is almost breakfast time and staying here will not make Annabeth heal any quicker."

I hear footsteps of I assume Will, Nico, Malcolm, and Sophia go up the stairs, I do not hear any hoof steps though. "You can open your eyes, they're gone." I keep my eyes shut, hoping that Chiron will think I'm still asleep. "That trick didn't work when you were seven and it won't work now."

Can't blame a girl for trying. I reluctantly open my eyes and meet Chiron's. For once in my life, I can't read his eyes, though I catch glimpses of sorrow, disappointment, and anger. "How long was I out for?" I ask hoping to diffuse the tension.

"Around twenty-four hours."

"Oh." I glance down and begin to fiddle with the bedsheets.

"Mr. Solace says that you should be discharged today, the main issue was your sleep deprivation."

"So once Will says I'm okay I can go?" I perked up a little at the thought, I know that whatever will come after being discharged won't be good, but I hated staying in the infirmary for long periods of time. I don't have an issue with the wounded, but the sight reminds me of the friends I have lost.

Chiron's voice pulls me out of my thoughts, "Yes, and upon dismissal I want you to meet me in the arena, I'll be training you from now on."

I'm torn. Why does Chiron want to train me, to assess if I'm as out of touch as he thinks I am?

Chiron must have noticed my expression because he quickly opens his mouth and says, "If you are going to be reckless while training, you will do it in a manner where you cannot hurt anyone else." With that Chiron leaves me alone with my thoughts.


After breakfast Will releases me and I begin my trek to the arena; the walk seems longer than normal, and I can't tell if it's from the dread or the fact that it seemed like a carbon copy of yesterday, though I will admit that I did feel much better than I had yesterday, at least physically. I get to the arena and see Chiron decked in armor with a determined gleam in his eye, though there seems to be an undercurrent of sorrow or maybe it was regret.

"Get ready, we're about to start," Chiron says, distant. He must have really lost hope in me, he never speaks that way to any camper, not even Clarisse when she goes on a tirade about the no maiming rule.

I put on training armor and ask, "Do you want me to use my dagger or sword?"

"I don't care."

I decide on my dagger, figuring that Chiron wants me ready as soon as possible. My assumption is correct, because as soon as I turn Chiron holds his sword at the ready and shouts, "On guard."

While Chiron favors the bow, he's no stranger to the sword and that becomes very apparent to me a few minutes into the duel. I begin to backpedal toward the benches trying to gain footing, yet each offensive attack sends me father and father back. I feel the back of my knee hit one of the benches scattered around the arena's edge. The pressure makes my knee buckle and I stagger.

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