11. December

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Hazel woke up the next morning in a cocoon of warmth.

Smiling, she felt Nick right behind her on the couch, his arm locked around her and her quilt blanket wrapped over them to keep them warm as the snow had started to pour down outside last night.

Now, awakening in her living room, Hazel yawned and remembered all too vividly their adventurous night. Nick had been the perfect combination of gentleman versus caveman. The way he had handled her kink had been just how she had hoped he would – perfectly. Her wrists still slightly ached today. Among other things.

As she started to stir, Hazel felt Nick come alive behind her as well and groan deeply. None of them spoke for a moment, both still too tired from last night. Instead they simply just enjoyed each other's nearness while cozily waking up.

Maybe this was breaking another rule, but cuddling on a chilly Tuesday felt completely right in this moment. Hazel almost didn't want him to leave for work, but sadly she had plans for the day as well.

All dreams had to end at one point, as they said. You had to wake up so you could realise them.

"How'd you sleep?" She tiredly smiled as Nick gave her a deep sigh and chuckled silently, a rasp to his voice.

"Mmm. I slept pretty darn good," He murmured and kissed the crook of her neck. His arm tightened around her. "How about you?"

Hazel couldn't remember ever having slept sounder or better, even on her small cramped couch. "I slept just dandy. What time do you need to be at work?"

"I have to be at the mall at 10. What time is it?" He asked, but then reached over to her coffee table himself to grab his wristwatch. After giving it a glance, he sighed heavily. "8.24. I'm going to need to borrow your shower."

"Of course," Hazel turned around on the couch and laid down on her back to face him. Nick's morning hair and tired face was the most beautiful thing she had seen in a long time. She had worn him out too, though not too much, judging by the hot rod resting against her thigh. "How long do you take to get ready?"

Nick pulled the quilt down and exposed her pert breasts to the nibbling cold. Her nipples stiffened in the air, but not for long as he leaned down and cupped one full mound. Slipping one erect bud into his mouth, Hazel moaned and arched as he leisurely suckled at her breast like a newborn, switching to her other when it begged for his attention.

"I'm always ready with you around," He huskily replied, slipping his hand below the covers to find her wet mound equally ready. Mewling, Hazel parted her legs for him as he started sliding one finger along her moist lower lips. "You're more addictive than sweets, Hazel."

Hazel twisted the quilt in her hands as he slicked one finger over her clitoris and massaged it gently, bringing life to all her nerves. A garbled moan then fell from her mouth when he inserted two fingers inside her and started pumping them fervidly. Her lower body arched up and Hazel gave a weak cry when he struck against her love spot. Her ōrgasm came raging to the surface, pushing against her skin in a heated fashion.

"Nick!" She tossed her head back and bit her lip to stop herself from screaming. His lips came to her mouth and claimed them before her teeth pierced through the delicate skin. With nothing but his mouth to draw air from, Hazel nearly passed out in pleasure as he brought her to ōrgasm before breakfast. All of her muscles tightened and released rhythmically as he worked her through it, her own hand wrapping around his length and pumping it in her euphoria.

When her climax faded, she caught his lips hungrily and heard him grunt in approval. Her hand worked up and down his stiff shaft, and with some maneuvering, Hazel managed to shift to her side and stroke him better. Nick breathed hotly against her lips and raked his fingers through her messy hair. He couldn't get enough of her lips, even as he groaned against them when she reached down and cupped his balls.

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