18. December

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This one... got away from me, haha. Wattpad, if you're reading, I'm so sorry. I promise I'm a choirboy in real life (...well... most of the time)

Hazel laughed as Nick bit her shoulder while his fingers tickled her side. She squirmed and kicked her legs when he reached down and squeezed her knee. He had discovered all of her ticklish spots last night, and this morning he was finding it rather funny making her twitch and toil around naked in bed.

"Nick!" Hazel laughed loudly when he growled with a wolffish smile and captured her breast, teasingly taking it into his mouth and giving it a soft bite, just between the brink of pain and pleasure. "Ah!"

"You're making it too easy for me," He rumbled with a coy smirk, just as he patted her rear end.

"Mm, well I know a very ticklish spot of yours, too," Hazel reminded him, pressing said tear against the semi-erect staff between his legs. "Would you like me to tickle you back?"

Nick let go of a small moan when she rubbed herself tauntingly against him. "You're a different kind of tease, Hazel."

Hazel smiled and then closed her eyes as his lips found hers. He captured them in a tantalizing slow kiss that left Hazel warm all over when he finally pulled away again. It was early Tuesday morning, much too early to be awake, but neither of them could sleep a second longer – despite their active nightly exertions.

"We should go get some breakfast," Hazel suggested, hearing Nick rumble in approval. Lately they had been eating breakfast together before they each left for work. At first it had just been coffee, then a slice of toast. Then it became a bowl of cereal and scrambled eggs, all the way up to frying bacon in the oven. Today, though, Hazel had a craving for something else.

Slipping out from under the warm blankets and Nick's reluctant arms, Hazel sat up and put her robe on. She shyly looked over her shoulder when she could feel Nick staring at her from behind her. True enough, she found him propped up on his elbow, brown lock in a tangle, looking at her with an enchanting smile, simply watching her slip on the thin satin.

"Are you coming?" She voiced and stood up, sending him a grin when he stretched out on the bed and released a small yawn. "Or are you going to sleep some more while I make the breakfast?"

"Oh, I'm coming," He told her, a warning undertone to his voice as he gave her a slow smile and stood up. She caught a glimpse of his glorious body before he pulled on his boxer briefs. "Naughty girls require 24/7 supervision."

"Mmm, better hurry then," Hazel teased and then scurried on into the kitchen. She giggled into her hand when she heard Nick swiftly following her, chasing after her to the kitchen. They were acting so juvenile this morning, but Hazel was loving it.


Warm arms wrapped around her just as she stopped in front of her cabinets. With a small squeal, she laughed when he lifted her a few inches of the ground and spun her into the counter, pressing her front against it. "Gotcha."

Hazel couldn't stop her heart from the way it fluttered when he started pressing kisses up and down her neck, swiping her robe a bit to the side to reach more skin. He peppered warm kisses along the column of her neck until she was positive she would be covered in small red marks later.

"What are you in the mood for?" She asked, chuckling as she tried to open her cabinets with his large body crowding her and touching her everywhere. "We could... make some waffles..."

"Mmm..." Came the listening response.

"Or maybeee... some maple syrup pancakes," Hazel breathed, just as her hand found the maple syrup in her cabinet and pulled it out. It was the same exact moment Nick's hand slipped into her robe and cupped her fulsome breast.

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