13. December

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After last night, Hazel had needed some time to think.

It wasn't that things were moving too fast, it was that in the span of one night, things had gotten way too deep, way too fast.

Things between her and Nick were never meant to go beyond sex, and yet last night, Hazel had found herself and Nick in her sister's house, helping out like they were all close friends. It was one of those things she couldn't even remember how had happened – the pandemonium of the situation had left her in a mess of emotions.

Hazel sat in the back of the photocopier shop during her break with a cup of coffee. Going over everything, she was starting to question if this was still all a good idea.

Broadly speaking, there wasn't anything bad in what had happened last night – unless you'd led separate lives and had no real relations other than dynamite, explosive sex and had made an agreement not to go beyond that. Which just happened to be the case.

Nick was only in town for the season, and as he had mentioned himself, his work got in the way of his relationships, therefore he didn't go into them.

And as small-town as Hazel was, she couldn't see herself leaving Leavenworth to move up north. She had always wanted to study abroad and travel, but she had no doubt in her heart about where home was; Her heart was too rooted here.

So even if her and Nick were on the same page, things wouldn't possibly work out in the long run. Long distance never worked, and Hazel didn't want to find out if they were the one percentage that miraculously did.

So now came the doubts about their little arrangement; was it wise to continue? Last night could've been a fluke and they could perhaps go back to how they used to do things before, but there was just one problem.

– Hazel's heart had felt light and fluttery ever since last night, and that had burdened her shoulders.

She could look past yesterday, but she couldn't un-feel what she was feeling today. She realized she liked Nick, and not just how he moved in bed, but how he was outside of it, too. He was handsome, kind, well-behaved and painstakingly good with children. In another lifetime, he would've filled all of Hazel's boyfriend criteria list (if such a silly thing existed), but unfortunately the reality changed the circumstances.

If she was feeling what she was feeling now, would it be safe to continue their little sexcapade when the feelings undoubtedly only would grow fonder over time? Wasn't it safer to just end it before things got too out of hand?

Hazel knew the correct answer, but it hurt admitting it.

The doorbell suddenly chimed out front and broke her from her thoughts. Hazel set her mug down and stood up, walking out front to receive the customer.

She halted up when she found Nick standing in the middle of the store. He was taking off his gloves while studying one of their photo examples hanging on the wall. The snow was still coming down heavy outside, and thick snowflakes rested on top of his hat and shoulders. When Hazel timidly started walking towards him again, his head turned.

"Hey," He smiled.

"Hi," Hazel gave a smile back, but found it hard to look him straight in his warm brown eyes. "Shouldn't you be somewhere in the mall right now, asking people to sit on your lap?"

He laughed shortly and looked back at the photo. "I get Thursdays off. I thought I'd come by and check on you. You seemed rattled yesterday."

Hazel looked away when he turned to face her and eyed her tentatively – another breach of the rules. His hand came to her cheek and steered her eyes back to his, forcing her to meet his chocolatey orbs. He leaned down and brushed her cheekbone, sensing her obvious mood.

"I know yesterday was different," He said, continuing to rub his sweet thumb back and forth over her reddening cheek. "But I really didn't mind it. It doesn't have to change anything if we don't want it to."

And that was the thing, wasn't it. Hazel wasn't sure whether or not she wanted things to change – if they hadn't already. She felt so much closer to him for some reason, and her silly heart liked that. Christmas was a lonely season if you didn't have anyone to spend it with. Even with family nearby, waking up alone during this cold holiday was cruel.

And Hazel really liked waking up next to Nick.

"I just don't know," She whispered. Nick waited for her to continue while she gathered herself. "It's just that... we said we weren't going to start anything serious. It just feels more serious today though, doesn't it?"

"I won't force you to continue this if you don't want to," He replied. "But if you're thinking about ending this, at least give me a chance to change your mind."

Hazel swallowed when his voice deepened. Her stomach tightened, and when he moved closer, she had to remind herself they were in the middle of the store. "How would you... convince me?"

Nick's lips twitched, and slowly, he moved them down to her ear. "I have my ways, Hazel."

Hazel shivered. Nick whispered to meet him tonight at her place, and she nodded, though she couldn't remember why. All of her thoughts of this not being a good idea fled her mind as his mouth locked over hers after getting his answer. He kissed her deeply, and with his tongue, he explored her mouth like he was making love to her right there in the middle of the store.

After he left, Hazel blushingly erased the 15 minutes of security footage from the computer's hard drive and then spent another ten minutes trying to rid herself of the heat swarming her body.

She had a feeling Santa wouldn't be the only one coming tonight.


At 10pm at night, Hazel was unsure how she should prepare herself. She had stuck to her usual light weight of clothes, being a white satin lingerie set that looked creamy and soft in the candlelight glow. Nick hadn't specified what time he was arriving, but as time neared a quarter past ten, Hazel heard the footsteps outside her door.

Taking a deep breath when she heard the heavy pound of his hand, she walked towards the door and opened it.

– And then completely lost her breath.

Nick was in his Santa suit again, but from the looks of it, that wasn't all he had brought this time.

Over his shoulder was a heavy brown bag, and as Hazel's mouth opened, Nick stepped forward and shut her mouth with a knuckle under her chin.

"Hazel Duane," He whispered, the same time his foot kicked the door shut and locked them in. "You've been a very naughty girl."

Hazel felt her stomach flip, and excitement, along with burning arousal, washed through her body when Nick crouched down to meet her lips. He hovered just above them, just out of reach, and only when his lips slowly quirked up did Hazel realize she was standing on her tippy-toes, trying to reach for his lips.

"Oh," She breathed when his hand then came around her slim waist, curling around her and bringing her flush to his red suit. "What are you... going to do about that?" This game of theirs should've gotten tired by now, but it really... really wasn't.

Nick's lips twitched. Slowly, he then hiked up in his sack the same time he leaned down to her ear and whispered; "I've brought some of my favorite toys tonight. If you're good... I'll let you play with them."

Hazel lost her breath and soul. Her thighs shut together when the ache between them roared and moistened her satin panties.

Toys. Him. All night long.

Oh, it surely was Christmas, wasn't it.

• • •

That's Christmas in my house. Don't known about the rest of you.

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