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Chat's POV:

   Chat looked up at the clear sky with a smile. He had just ended his patrol for the night and was on his way home. He sprinted across the rooftops in Paris, enjoying the cool night air.

   He felt a cold, wet drop on his nose and looked up. "Oh, come on, seriously!" He muttered as it started to pour. He jumped to the next roof blindly and almost slipped. Night vision doesn't do much good when it rains.

   'I hope someone doesn't mind if I drop in to wait out the storm' he thought. He landed on someone's balcony and noticed light coming through the hatch. Just as he was about to leave, he heard the hatch open.

Marinette's POV:

   "I hope Chat got home before the rain Tikki." I said, glancing out the window at the rain. I heard a loud thump and Tikki hid. I climbed up the ladder and opened the hatch.

   I saw a soaking wet Chat on her balcony. "What are you doing in this storm, Chat? Come inside, you can wait out the storm in here." I said, opening the hatch a bit more. "Are you sure Princess?" He asked. He looked cold and tired.

   "Yes I'm sure, now come in before I get soaked too." He walked over to the hatch and popped in through it, landing softly on the floor of her room.  "I'm sorry to be a bother-" He started before being cut off. "Nonsense Chat. Besides you can pay me back later." I said.

   I went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel for him. I tossed the towel to him and sat down on my chaise. He dried off then sat next to her.

   "So what were you doing up so late Princess?" He asked. "Oh, I was just working on some designs for a party I'm going to." I said, walking over to my desk to grab my sketch book. I sat back down and showed him what I was working on.

   "My friend Alya is dragging me to a costume party and she wanted me to make our costumes." I said, turning to look at Chat. He looked like he was lost in thought.

Chat's POV:

   I looked at Marinette's sketch book and saw the skill she put into designing. 'I wonder if she would ever be willing to make me something. But I would have to ask her as Chat, she seems to be scared of me as Adrian.' I thought, looking around her room absentmindedly.

   "So what do you want to do?" I heard her ask. I looked over at Mari and said " Why don't we take turns asking each other questions so we can get to know each other better." Mari looked out the window and nodded. "It looks like it may be a while before this storm lets up."

   She gave me a smile and I felt my heart stop for a second. 'She's so beautiful. Wait, what am I saying, I love Ladybug!' I thought to myself. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks and I was glad for the mask.

   "So, what is something you like to do in your spare time?" Marinette asked, snapping me out of my daze. "Oh, um I like to play video games. I also play the piano and do fencing." I said nervously. "What about you Princess?"

Marinette's POV:

   "Well, I design clothes or draw. I um... I also kinda sing." I said sheepishly. Chat looked shocked and said "Really?!" I nodded, a blush creeping onto my cheeks from embarrassment. "Could you sing for me?" He asked eagerly.

   "Um...well...I" I started, nervous at the request. "You don't have to, if you are uncomfortable." He said. I took a deep breath and thought over it. 'I know Chat wouldn't make fun of me but I'm really not that good' she thought.

   "I'll sing for you Kitty." I said decisively. He seemed shocked and happy at my compliance. He looked at me with eager patience. I took a deep breath and started.

"Wow..." Chat breathed, his voice barely above a whisper. I giggled at his stunned expression. "You should sing more often Princess, it was beautiful, just like you." Chat whispered the last part. I blushed at his words, my heart racing.

   "Y-you think I'm beautiful?" I said softly, nervous that he would freak if I said it any louder. Chat looked slightly stunned as if he didn't mean to say that then quickly regained his composure. "What's this Purrincess? Did your knight finally get your heart to race?" Chat said with a sly grin playing at his lips.

Chat's POV:

   I smirked at Mari's blush, knowing my words got to her. "No, stupid cat!"Mari said, her blush deepening. "Are you sure Purrincess?" I said, the grin growing on my face. Mari groaned but smiled at my pun. 

   "Okay, back to the game, so what's one thing you would do if you could do anything?" Mari said, smoothly changing the subject. I thought about it, wondering if I should pursue the other topic further or let it drop. Deciding to let it slide, I said "I would probably have my father let me do more." 

   Mari looked at me with what looked like a mix of concern and worry. "Oh, Chat... I'm sorry." She said, giving me a hug. I felt a blush spread on my face as I gave her a hug back. "Hey, I'm okay Princess. I could do a million and one things if my life was different but if it was different, then I might have never met you, or any of my other friends for that matter." I said, tilting her chin up so she was looking at me.

Marinette's POV:

   He tilted my chin up and I looked into his emerald green eyes, feeling them pierce into my soul. "Chat..." I said, unsure of why I felt so nervous around him. "Yes, Princess?" He said, our faces only centimeters apart. I felt a blush spread on my cheeks as I never broke his eye contact. "I..." I started, even more nervous. We were just barely apart now, and I could feel his warm breath as he leaned towards me....

A/N: Hey there my kitties and little bugs! I hope you liked the first part of my Marichat love story! Tell me in the comments what you think and I hope you enjoy!

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