Meeting Nakahara Sunako

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When it comes to those who are indeed spiritually aware among humans that are living, it is indeed something that is in truth, quite rare. The reaction of most, as human instinct goes, is to be afraid, for humans are afraid of what is truly the unknown.

Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro was patrolling in Karakura town, the hometown of the substitute soul reaper Ichigo lived in, watching and waiting for a hollow to show up. With everything that was going on, there were lulls of silence, only to be broken by the feral cry of the soulless spirits when they came to cause destruction to the town.

As he was watching near the park, his senses tuning in to pick up on any strange aura's that belonging to the freak spirits, or any other aura that might in fact be a problem. Because of this, his mind picked up on something that caused his attention to glance around, to pick up on what seemed to be a new kind of aura, which was in a way, rather depressing.

When his eyes finally lighted upon what was causing the strange aura and had to admit that the person was indeed depressing to look at. It was a girl, possibly around the orange haired substitute's age either younger or older a bit. She wore old, baggy clothing that was stained and worn out. She also carried herself in a way that spoke of low self esteem.

One of the things he noticed about her aura was unlike other auras that spiritually unaware people couldn't pick up on, the people seemed to be noticing this aura and turning to stare at her, giving her odd looks. The looks on their faces made it seem like the girls aura was also depressing them and turning them nervous.

Out of the crowd who were passing on by while he watched, a young boy walked straight up to the girl, a ball in hand. His whole demeanor spoke of someone who was more curious then afraid of the young lady… if she could be called that. However, Toshiro found that this was the way it was, much to his annoyance, with most four or five year olds in this kind of situation.

"Hi miss? Why's a ghost like you doing around here?" The boy suddenly commented. This caused Toshiro's mouth to open a bit in shock, but only slightly. It was obvious to him that the girl was defiantly not a ghost, though some soul reapers he knew would take it that way. The girl was noticeable by the general population for one thing. On top of that, there was no chain coming from her chest.

"That girl has legs sweetheart," the boy's mother replied, giving one of the signs that someone was a ghost, at least for those who had never seen a real one. The boy took his mother's hand and they began to walk off. The girl suddenly began to cackle in a fashion that could possibly speak of insanity or a fever.

When this happened, all the people around, excluding Toshiro in his gigai, looked at her with disgust and fear. Just as quickly, as they looked at her, every single one of them turned and walked in the opposite direction of the girl, leaving the shinigami captain and the crackling girl alone. It felt like an ominous wind was blowing, but Toshiro felt he had to do something bout the situation… she might actually attract a hollow.

With his eyes narrowed, he crossed the street to the park to confront her. He was surprised she didn't see him coming, due to the fact his white hair and teal eyes rather tended to stand out in comparison to others, something that was rather obvious to him. However, the person of interest was in her own little world, oblivious to everything.

"You do realize that you're causing a considerable amount of commotion," the boy shinigami suddenly stated as he stepped right in front of her. This caused the girl to suddenly look him strait in the face, revealing that she had violet eyes. Her eyes had something disturbing to them, but this didn't set Toshiro off beat.

However, something else did. "Pretty, sparkling boy child of light…"

This caused his eyebrows to rise up, his pupil's dilating in surprise, as the statement was one that was made in a rather childish voice, not to mention he really didn't like it when people assumed certain things about him because of his stature and age. References to his age was something that he'd rather avoid. "Ch… ch…"

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