Chapter 3:

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"Alright Peeta. you've been back long enough, lets get this over and done with. one of you is going into fight. who is it?" Coin says.

"Me!" Peeta and I shout simmultaneously.

we look at each other with pleading eyes but know what will happen.

"can you please excuse us?" i ask as politley as i can.

she rolls her eyes but nods and i pull Peeta out into the hallway.

"let me go." i say taking his hands.

"no. i cant lose you again!" he says worriedly.

"you think i want to lose you?" i ask sadly. "just let me go. i'll have a bow, i'll be fine! And you're still recovering from all that time in the Capitol!" i beg. "please!"

"no.....i wouldnt be able to live with myself if you got hurt... i missed you so much! you cant just leave! not with out me!" he says, looking deeply into my eyes.

i wrap my arms tightly around him and start sobbing.

"just trust me. i have a plan. its perfect." i say kissing his cheek and turning to walk back in.

"dont leave me Katniss..... i cant live without you..." he pleads following me back, after wiping away my tears with his thumb.

"i think your annoying and i have a better plan." i blurt out.

Coin crosses her arms and glares at me.

wow, i just told the president i think shes annoying.

i so would.

"oh? and whats your plan, Everdeen?" she sneers.

"first. Mellark! Katniss Mellark!" i start taking Peeta's hand. "and second. here. option one: neither of us go! i like that one. but if your planning on being as stupid as you usually are, option two: we both go, but as soon as it gets ugly you get Peeta out. i couldnt see him hurt again." i say.

"Katniss! what about you! if im not there i cant protect you! im staying by your side no matter what!" he pleads.

"fine!" i say, caving. "but still. either both of us go, or niether of us go! so suck it Coin!" i say with a superior, winning attitude.

"you know your a real bitch, Everdeen?" she says.

"Mellark!" i protest once again.

i hear her laugh maniacally at me.

"you're pathetic. you can go now!" she growls.

okay thats too far.

"ahh!" I start screaming and when i lunge at her i feel strong arms wrap around my waist and hold me back.

Peeta drags me out while i shout obscenities at Coin.

"Katniss? are you okay?" he asks hugging me.

" fine. Coin just doesnt know when to stop. she lives to annoy. ive been putting up with her shit for 13 years and im tired of her sorry ass comments!" i whine angrily.

he rubs my back softly and i sigh.

"your so weird Katniss." he says jokingly.

"oh im gonna get you!" i say smirking and chasing him down the hall, holding tightly onto his hand.

we go through the halls laughing and when we reach the compartment i see Gale out of the corner of my eye.

i turn and kiss Peeta passionatley so he can see it and i see him storm off angrily.

ha! i win again!

Peeta and i burst into our compartment and start making out on our bed.

i rip his shirt and ....well.... i think you know what happens after that.






(Farrah's POV)
"no! you cant leave!" i shout, starting to cry.

i throw my arms around my mom and dad and dad takes a deep breath.

we have a family hug, but its not a happy one.

its a horrible one.

they're leaving in a few hours, and then i have to stay in Grandma's compartment until they get back to 13.

"sweetheart, we wont be gone that long!" my mom tells me.

"i know. but why do i have to stay with Grandma?" i ask annoyed.

"yeah...wasnt my first choice. but Coin does whatever the hell she wants. and i dont trust Haymitch with anything." she says.

"ill miss you guys. both of you." i say hugging them tighter.

i feel dad kiss the top of my head, and feel glad that i at least got to meet him.

that i got to know who my father is before he left for the stupid war with my mom.

i understand how much they love and care about each other and they say that helping end the war will help me, because im still somewhat hiding my existence from the Capitol.

but that doesnt mean i want them to leave.

i dont like Grandma, and i know my mom hates her.

Aunt Prim puts up with her, but apparently she abandonned them as a mother when their dad died.

she says it helps her in being a better mother.

i would have perferred staying with someone else, but ill just stay with Beya and avoid the compartment except for nightime.

they get in their special armor and we say our final goodbyes before they board a hovercraft with Uncle Haymitch.

Grandma hugs me and i just stand there wanting her to let go of me so i can hug my parents again.

i break free of her hug and manage to squeeze in one last "Bye!" before collapsing into tears on Aunt Prim.

"Farrah. you wouldnt know, but your parents are strong. they survived the hunger games twice, this is like nothing for them." she says. "and they have people protecting them." she reassures me, hugging me tightly.

I wipe the tears off my cheeks, trying not to soak her shirt through and watch the hovercraft ascend into the sky. 








sorrrrrrrrry for the short chapter, but the next one needs to be longer so yaaa! hope u like ma stories! i have plenty more if u like this one! i have 13 books total!

The Littlest Mockingjay: Farrah MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now