Chapter 6:

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The next morning i run down to James's room so we can sneak out to go hunting.

James asked me out a few days ago and we've been hanging out alot more.

but i cant figure out how to tell my parents about that.

its been 3 weeks since mom and dad came back and lately the Capiol has been pretty quiet.

mom has been freaking out saying that they must be planning something huge, horrible.

dad just says she's overreacting and then they usually end up making out and i leave.

when the door opens, Mrs. Odair is smiling at me and James struggling to pull his second boot over his foot.

His hair is messed up and hanging in his face in a cute way and i smile.

"Hi Farrah." she says sweetly and James finally wins the battle of Man Vs. Shoe.

"Goodbye!" James says shoving his mom out of the way and closing the door before she can object.

he takes my hand in his and i throw my bow over my shoulder as we make our way slowly down the corridor.




once we get outside the building complex, i sit down on a sheet rock and sigh.

i throw my weapons down and James sits beside me.

we never actually hunt, but this was our only way to get out of the District limits without getting in trouble.

(it was another one of mom's conditions for being the Mockingjay, her and dad, and me and James get free hunting time each afternoon.)

we lay down and stare up at the sun, admiring the design and shape of each soft puffy cloud.

"that one's a bear." i whisper.

he smiles. "i see a rabbit." he says pointing up toward the sky.

i laugh and look into his eyes, trying to figure out what hes thinking. trying to decode the confusion that is James Odair's mind.

but eventually i focus my attention on his eyelashess.

a shimmery golden rod color just like the hair he gets from his father, sheilding the soft sea green eyes he inherited from his mother.

its gorgeous to look at.

he smiles and i return it with one of my own, a soft and kind one.

i get absolutely lost in his eyes and before i know it we're both inching closer and his lips graze mine for only a moment.

after a second of registering we both let small smiles creep up onto our faces, his finger closing gently around mine.

this day cant get any better.




i'm right it could only get worse. much worse...

while closing our eyes and just enjoying each other's presence, we hear a soft low buzzing in the distance.

coming closer.

at first i think its those horrible bees that attacked my mother and father in their first games, what are they called? oh yeah, Tracker Jackers.

but then the noise gets louder it sounds more like one of those rounded planes my mother takes when she travels throughout the other districts, but i never get to come because the Capitol might find out about me.

i dont think she would be going anywhere, and if she tried dad would never let her.

he worries too much about her.

eventually i'm snapped from my train of thoughts by James yanking me up by the hand and taking off back toward the District limits.

"James! whats happening!" i shriek trying to keep up with him.

if there is one thing i didnt pick up from either of my parents, its their running ability.

mom has tried teaching me how to use a bow and arrow on many occassions.

but i failed tragically.

i hope this war ends well because if there was another hunger games i would get picked for sure!

and i know that my parents would be totally crushed if i were to perish.

epescially if it involved those wretched games they were in.

my mom said she would show me the tapes one day when im older, but we already watched them in class.

i just didnt tell her that.

they were gruesome and i felt horrible for them having to go through that twice.

"Its a hovercraft! a Capitol one! we have to get out of here!" he shouts, a little bit of fear in his voice.

"if they find you they'll know you exist!" he adds.

i start freaking out and i feel metal on my skin.

i'm lifted roughly off of the ground by a giant claw and James starts screaming and calling my name.

"Farrah! Farrah no! Don't leave me Farrah!" he cries before falling to his knees, sobbing heavily.

and then the door shuts in front of me, and i lose my sight of James.





i see the claw grab Farrah and i start screaming for her to come back to me. 

shes my first girlfriend and i'm already losing her.

why is this happening to me?

is it revenge for my father helping to defy the Capitol in saving her parents in the Quarter Quell?

is it because my mother has poisoned peoples ears with her screams, and now im paying for it with the loss of the girl i love?


what am i saying?

do i love her?


i do.

I love Farrah Rue Mellark.

and now she's gone...







Thanks for reading!!!!!

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