Sneek attack part2

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Isabelle's POV

I stormed off from the park a little pissed ... scratch that a lot pissed.

Is that even a thing 'a lot pissed '

Who cares I'm just mad, if Josh didn't want a friend he should have told me sooner!

Why do you even care? You only talked to him once!

I don't even know!


Thank you mind

Any time buddy

Some times my mind makes me realize things that can flip my mood, and I felt a little bit better. If he doesn't want a friend then so be it, it's his loss !

But even though I said it in my mind my heart still felt weird. I need to clear my thoughts. To Starbucks it is! Sometimes I really feel like a white girl. eh whatever. My neighborhood was right across a bunch of food places like whataburger, Wendy's, Papa Johns, and Starbucks of corse.

I walked to the street and push the button to cross the street.

Does this thing always take so damn long?! I've been her for like 5 minutes!

*pushes button repeatedly*

" Please wait patently"

Spoke a recorded voice form the pole.

"I've BEEN waiting" I yelled back, now to people driving by I may have seem like a lunatic but whatever it started it!

"Woah what did that pole ever do to you?" spoke a deep masculine voice with a chuckle behind me. I turned around and felt heat reach my cheeks.

I meet the eyes that were linked to the voice and was meet with ocean eyes with blond hair, his feathers were soft and warming. I mean he was no Josh but he was a looker.

Woah you did not just compare him to Josh.

I did, sue me.

" Well actually it made me wait this long."

The mystious boy chuckled and held out his hand. " I'm Travis nice to meet you"

"Isabella nice to meet you too, where you headed?" I replied.

"Whataburger, what about you?"

"Where else ha Starbucks"

"Well i'll walk you"

"Alright" hey I was not about to turn down a hot guy walking with me and its not like he was headed in a different direction he was headed the same way.

As if he has the magic touch he pushed the button and the walking light turned on.

"HEY how'd you do that?!"

All Travis did was laugh and put his hand on the small of my back. Honestly I wanted to shake it off because it gave me the creeps. But we were only walking across the street so whatever. When we got the other side I was ready to say goodbye, but all of the sudden I was pulled to the back of Starbucks and pined up against the brick wall and with the force against me my head slammed into the wall, it hurt like a bitch!

"Ow dude back off!"


" Robert!! get over here!"


a man appeared out of no where, he was big, and when I say big. I don't mean fat this guy was a shit ton of muscles, and nothing else!

"Are you sure this is her?" spoke the one called Robert.

"Yea it's her I'm positive" Travis responded.

"Hello right here!" I shouted. I tried to struggle but my head was going fuzzy and I couldn't thing straight and my head still hurt, I felt like I was about to pass out.

"What do you know?" asked Robert

"Going to need to be a little more clear then that muscles!" I responded

"Josh, we know you his little girl toy."

"Um excuse me I don't know anything okay?! I don't even talk to him."

It stayed silent for a while as they were trying to see if I was telling the truth.

"Hmm I'm not sure I believe you." said Travis as he shoved me again into the wall and my head took another hit.

"Look I promise I don't know anything- WAIT what is this even about?!"

They had puzzled looks on their faces.

" Dude I don't think she really knows."

"Well we can't just let her go"

"Alright people right here!"

They didn't seem to pay attention to me so the talked among they selfs.

" Ill bring the car around and you just keep her here alright?" spoke Robert

This could be out chance girl!

Robert walked away leaving me and Travis alone.

"And to think I thought you where cute!" I spoke to Travis.

He leaded in really close to my face. I could feel his hot breath in my face This is my chase. Before he could let out a snarky comment, I kneed him right in his madly hood. And I ran as he toppled over. It is really hard to run when your eye sight is going blurry, and you feel like your brain is jumping around in your head. luck hit me today when I got to the the cross walk the walking light turned on. I bolted across the street and ran for my house. But I didn't make it very far. I got to the park when I saw a blurry figure siting there. The figure got up and started towards me.

And then my world went black...

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