Bear meets people

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"Oh my, are you two aware Of who I am?"
Aaron said,his eyes shining with excitement and Happiness "I'm a big fan of you two,It's a pleasure to meet you!"He said as he shook both my and James' hand,but let our hands go after a while.I noticed the sun was leaving soon,and pointed it out to James,We decided to stay over since Alex told me there was an extra tent in the camp for visitors when we were talking in the forest,wait a minute...I still have the flowers in my hair,maybe I can take them off when it's dark so Alex won't see and get upset.

As soon as the moon appeared me and James started to put the flowers onto the desk inside of the extra camp,usually I would complain about the dirt but,All I could think of was Alexander's smile.It wasn't a grin,a smirk or anything like that,it was just a pure smile,It's been like 10 years since I saw a real smile from Alexander and that smile was for me.If only this Alexander stayed when I returned home,the last glimpse I had of Alexander giving me a pure smile was when..We met.I looked at James who was already asleep on the right bed,so I just walked out and sat at the tree where I first encountered young little Alexander.The moon showed the camp and it's details,the cold air made it freezing out but somehow it didn't effect me and it actually made me feel nice,I wonder if Sally is doing well in the mansion.

Leafs fell on me,I peeked a little and noticed a little boy was playing around with my hair and putting leaves on it,and that boy was Alexander.I opened my eyes and saw Alexander receive a shocked expression when My pupils looked over to him,I looked around and noticed I was in a tent,it wasn't the tent me and James were staying in,no it was Alexander's tent. "Why are you bringing leaves into your room?"I said getting up and dusting off the leaves on me. "To wake the sleeping bear"He replied putting more leaves onto my hair, "I am not a bear!I'm not a little man either."I said glaring at him,he didn't get angry,he looked at me and said "Ehh,I get that A lot, though I'm telling the truth,You snore like a bear" I didn't reply I just stood there embarrassed,even if it's freezing out My face was a burning fire.

I felt like I was rambling for like 4 hours after Alexander told me that,I finally cooled down and walked off before Alexander could say something,I wanted to ask some people things about Alex and get to meet the all mighty Hercules.It didn't take me long to meet Hercules since he bumped into me after steal one of John's Papers about...I'm not sure actually.He was shorter than me but he was muscular,I'm surprised he's not a soldier but a Spy Instead,I mean Some strong people do not want to kill but they still want to fight for their hopes. "Hey sorry....Lafayette?"Hercules said looking up to my eyes,I sighed and said "Thomas Jefferson,Hercules I presume?"He smiled and shook my hand softly,and I was not expecting him to be gentle well dang I assume things too much don't I?

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