Chapter Four

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Sunlight streams through the curtains, glaring angrily on my face. Groaning, I flip onto my back in bed and hug the pillow tighter to my body. I inhale deeply, trying to brace myself for the impending embarrassment. I shouldn't have listened to him, I know that. But something last night compelled me to go back to his place, and I regret ever making that decision. Turns out his place was a five minute drive from the club and when I arrived I was surprised to find myself being completely alone in the dark. From what I explored I've found that there are two rooms here, and I just had to choose his. It was honestly a toss up, I decided that whatever room I drunkenly stumbled into would be the one I spent the night in. Some time during the night I had felt a dip in the bed, and without opening my eyes or even fully waking up I could tell it was him.

Why I expected him to not be in this bed with me, I'll never know, but as I feel him stir next to me my heart begins to pound against my rib cage. The bed creaks, and the light that was streaming on my face vanishes. His breath fans my face, and I can't for the life of me figure out why it smells so pleasant.

"Layla... I know you're awake," He whispers, the hours of sleep still evident in his voice. I don't move an inch. The hairs on my neck stand up as I feel him get even closer. "Oh, well, I guess I'll have to wake sleeping beauty myself."

His lips graze mine ever so slightly and my eyes spring open. His curly mess of hair falls on his face as he smiles.

"Oh look, it worked." He comments, still hovering above me.

"Archer," I sigh, though I meant for it to sound a little more authoritative.

"What is it?" His smile grows even wider.

"Move... please."

"And what if I don't."

I stare into the deep lakes of eyes, silently pleading for him to put more space between us. I really didn't want to know what would happen if he didn't. After a moment, he smirks, but ultimately sits up.

I blow out a breath and sit up as well. I look at Archer but quickly avert my gaze, my cheeks heating up at his state of undress. He chuckles lightly, and gets up from the bed. He makes his way into the adjoined bathroom and I take the opportunity to get out of the bed. Across the room sits a full length mirror. I stand in front of it and try to tame the matted mess that is my hair. I pull my dress down, returning it to its mid-thigh length. Finally somewhat satisfied with my appearance, I walk out the room and am greeted with the spacious living room.

Sunlight streams in from the floor to ceiling windows and it gives the space a more refreshing feel. A total contradiction to the dark furniture. A deep brown leather couch sits against the parallel wall. A matching and loveseat is placed to the couch's left, a glass coffee table sitting in the center of it all. They all stand out against the hardwood flooring and cream colored walls.

Wow, who knew Archer had such amazing taste.

I walk across the living room to get to the kitchen, the steel fridge calling my name. I take a water bottle from the appliance, calming my parched throat. As I close the door, something out the corner of my eye catches my attention.

"Oh my God!"

I turn away as the naked stranger turns to me.

"Oh my God!" He yells. "Goddammit. Archer!"

As I feel an arm slung around my waist, I peel open my eyes, still not turning around.

"Did someone call me?"

"Why didn't you tell me someone else lived here?" I ask, my cheeks crisping.

"Why didn't you tell me that someone was here? I thought we agreed you wouldn't bring girls here anymore."

Archer sighs. "Will both of you calm down. I was a little bit preoccupied last night so I couldn't really tell you that someone was going to be here. And Layla," He looks down to me. "I know this is your first time seeing a man naked, but please don't make it out to be such a big deal."

"What? This isn't my-"

"Archer, can I please talk to you for a minute?" The guy asks, now holding a dish towel in front of him.

"Sure. As soon as you put some clothes on."

The guy grumbles a few choice words but ultimately walks out of the kitchen.

Archer finally lets me go and goes into the fridge, grabbing himself a water bottle. I let out a breath and turn to him.

"Who was that?"

"That was my roommate, Shawn. And excuse me while I go get lectured," He begins to walk out of the kitchen.

"Well, I'm going to get going," He turns back to me. "I really need to get out of this dress."

"Need my help?"

I put my shoes on and head for the door, ignoring his last remark. "Goodbye, Archer."


After a refreshing shower and a proper meal, I sit on my couch phone in hand and music wafting throughout the apartment. I scroll through my messages, Archer is responsible for most of them, but I have one from Colin. I click on his contact an read through his message.

Heading down to the hill. Want to come with?

I haven't been to the hill since junior year. The hill is exactly what is sounds like. A huge hill that overlooks the sea. It's notorious for being a teen hookup site. And I know what you're thinking, but I did not ever commit such an act there. I mean, even though things usually went down at night, there was still a chance of getting caught. And there was no way I was taking that chance, not that I was ever asked to go to the hill. Well, there was that one time.

I used to go to the hill a lot, mainly to star gaze, until that night. Looking back on it, being at the hill that night was one of my favorite memories from high school. But being the delusional teenager that I was, I let the prior events cloud my memory, and from that day on, I couldn't get myself to do much outside of going to school. But that's neither here nor there. Snapping out of my trance, I respond to Colin.

Sure, I'll be there in 10. 



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