Chapter Fifteen: It's Over

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The sound of the door unlocking does nothing to deter Colin from releasing me. If he even hears the sound, it seems like it encourages him. He grips my body tighter to his, and as a throng of moans leave his mouth, a pleading whimper leaves mine.

I struggle against him as the hinges protest the opening of the door before everything goes silent.

In a flash, Colin releases me and I fall to the floor, attempting to catch my breath. Panting, I look up to see my savior clad in dark denim jeans. I struggle to pull myself onto my feet, and as I begin to fall once more, a protective arm wraps around my waist. I stare at Archer’s hard glare and try to pry Colin’s arm from me.

With a tick of the jaw, Archer turns around and heads towards the door, his footsteps echoing through the silent house.

“Archer!” I call out.

He stops.

“What?” He asks darkly, his back still facing me. My mouth opens to give him an explanation, but the words fail me. “I see that you’re busy. I’ll just come back later.”

I push out of Colin’s hold and walk towards him.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Do you really think I’d do something like this?”

He whips around and meets my gaze.

“Oh, give it a break Layla. You’ve been pining after him since we were kids, why would now be any different.”

“Maybe because I’m with you? And even if I did still feel that way about him- which I don't- I would never cheat on you Archer. I love you, not him.”

“Really? It doesn’t seem that way.” Colin interjects. “Tell me Layla, why did you come back?”

My eyes widen in dread. There are only four people who know why I came back and Colin is not one of them, and he will definitely not be one.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Archer answers.

“I was just wondering. Mom told me that when you visited us after you came back you wanted to take to me. We were interrupted, so tell me, what did you want to talk about.”


My throat begins to dry making it hard for oxygen to come in.

“Well I’ll tell you Archer. She came back for me. She wanted to be with me, and I know she still does, but you just stole her away, like you always do.”

“You’re delusional.” Archer replies, leading me outside.

“Am I though? Hey Lay, did you ever tell him about last week?”

Bile makes its way to the the back of my throat, searing the sensitive area.

“What happened last week?” Archer challenges.


“She called me, invited me to her place. We had some drinks and one thing lead to another…”

Archer looks to me for confirmation.

“Nothing happened.” I mumbled.

“Then what did happen?” Archer grinds out.

“I- Look, it was after we had that fight. I went home and got really drunk and I called you, well I thought I did. Then Colin came over and we drank even more. He tried to-”

“To what?”

“It doesn’t matter. I tried to get him to leave but he wouldn't. I don’t remember anything after that.”

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