Chapter One

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Jasmine sits in her room, isolating herself from the others, in total silence. Sam and Dean have been focused on Mary Winchester, their not-so-late mother. Castiel has been on and off with her brothers. She had no contact with him. Alone. The lamp on her dark oak desk flickers with a dim yellow light.

     She stands from her bed and wanders carefully over to her desk. Her phone lights up after a soft sounding buzz. Picking it up, Jasmine reads on her home screen that it's a text from Sam. 'Hey Jazzy, you need to eat.' She rolls her eyes and put her phone back down on her desk.

Being the step-sibling of the Winchesters right now was the toughest thing Jasmine had to face. She never could imagine it being a struggle. No one ever referred to her as a step-sibling, the boys never dared too.

John had an affair with a hunter from Vance, South Carolina. The mother died of lung cancer, mainly during the process of surgery of removing a tumor. Jasmine was so young and innocent when John had picked her up, but soon after, her life had flipped upside down, scared for life.

     Nothing was quite anymore. No more friends, no more coloring books, no more glue sticks under the table during art class. Sam and Dean wanted the best for her. Sam wanted Jasmine to go to college. When the Winchester met Jody Mills, Dean wanted her to go with her. Jasmine felt destroyed as her innocence was stripped away so early in life. Her teen years, that's a whole other story.

But, Jasmine's number one job was avoiding her brother's mother. She never said a word to Jasmine, only mumbles things that definitely don't sound that sweet. Jasmine is too scared to be around Mary, being the shy and quiet girl that she is. She's too scared to even say good morning.

"Hey, Jazz. I brought you some toast." Toast is her favorite. Jasmine heard her brother say as she cracked open the door. "You didn't have to Sammy," Jasmine says softly. Sam fully opens the door to see his baby sister in the same clothes she's been wearing for a week. A big black sweat she had stolen from Dean and black athletic shorts.

     Jasmine smiles softly, but fades slowly, knowing what Sam is going to say to her.

"Yes, I do have to. You're not eating, so I have to make sure you are. Jazz, you're my sister, I'm starting to worry about you." Sam says, concern building up in his voice, setting the warm toast down on the desk.

The brother cups Jasmine's cup cheek gently. "I'm fine, I always am," Jasmine mumbles, a smile curling at her lips. She hugs Sam gently, wrapping her arms around his torso and rests her head on his chest.

     "I love you," says Sam. Sam had realized he hadn't said that in a while, soon to hug his little sister tightly. "I love you too Sa-" Jasmine started to say, soon to be interrupted by a woman's voice calling for Sam. Mary. Jasmine immediately let go of Sam, but Sam had put his hand on her shoulder.

Jasmine looks up at her brother, eyes glittering in emotions Sam couldn't understand. "We're going to talk later. But, you need to eat." He states, heading over to the door, "I mean it this time Jazzy.", then he left. Jasmine had gotten a glimpse if Mary before Sam closed the door.

     A sigh escapes Jasmine's throat and rolls her eyes, looking over at the toast. She sits on her metal stool, covered in paint of all colors. A smile tugged at Jasmine's lips when she saw a little spread of Nutella on the side of the plate.

     Jasmine eats, taking her time and savoring the Nutella, knowing that Sam wouldn't get some on his next grocery run.

     Everyone in the bunker has a different taste in food. Dean, junk food fanatic. That man will eat anything in his sight, unless if it's his brothers' rabbit food. Sam, practically anything healthy. Salad. Anything that has lettuce, Sam loves. Castiel, being an angel, eats nothing. Then Jasmine, who only craves toast and red velvet cupcakes.

     After putting on a pair of jeans, the youngest Winchester grabs her phone and heads out her room, taking the plate with her. Her room is the closest to the kitchen, smelling bacon. Dean. She smiles lightly when she sees Dean happily sits at the table, with a whole plate of bacon.

     Dean looks up at his little sister, smiling widely. Jasmine hasn't seen her oldest brother in two days. "Hey, kiddo!" Dean cheers happily, standing up. "Hi, Dean-o." The youngest Winchester giggles a little, being engulfed by a hug.

     "You good?" Dean asks, hugging his little sister tightly. "I'm fine, you?" Jasmine lies. I miss you! I miss my brothers! I want to spend time with my brothers again!

     "You've been riding in that room of yours for too long, what's up?" Dean immediately says after. Jasmine hesitated to speak and shut her eyes tightly like a bright light was being shined in her eyes. She doesn't want to hurt Dean, knowing that Mary being back is important to him.

     Lying to her brothers isn't an easy thing for Jasmine. They know her too well. "I've been trying to catch up on sleep from that hunt with the vamp nest." Now that wasn't really a lie. "That nest did take a toll on you, but we're awesome," Dean said to Jasmine, letting go.

Jasmine smiles widely, dimples showing. "Thanks, Dean." She says as she walks over to the sink and washes the plate off. "Have you talked to mom yet?" Dean asked her, hopes high. "Not really. I don't think Mary likes me." Jasmine answers, actually honestly. Dean frowns.

"I'm sure she likes you! She's just gotta warm up to you, ya know?" Dean says voice sounds a bit desperate. "Dean, you and Sam are what she needs right now, not a mistake that her husband made when he had a one night stand," Jasmine mutters, looking down at her feet.

"Jazz! Don't you dare say that again." Anger is clear in Dean's voice. "Say what again?" Jasmine asks shyly, but in a daring way. Dean is red in the face. He stands still, hands in fists, knuckles white. "Don't you say that you're a mistake! I'm not going to put up with you calling yourself bad things." Dean says, glaring at his little sister. Jasmine glances at him shyly.

"Me, Sam, and Cas, we love you to death. Did you get that? You're not a mistake, that's stupid of you to think that." Dean finished, but his voice was almost hushed. Jasmine nods at her oldest brother as Mary and her other brother walk in.

"Hey guys, Cas called and we're going to meet him for a case," Sam says, a man walking in behind him. "Jazzy, we need you to stay here and do some research if you don't mind?" Her brother continued. Sam stepped to this side, giving Jasmine a view of the man behind him.

     Mick Davies.

"You remember Mick, right?" Sam asks his sister. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Jasmine says sarcastically, but giving him a stink eye. "Good, good. Um, well, he might join us on a hunt or something in the future, so maybe you can help him with some research, show him the books we have?"

When Tony Bevell tortures Sam a couple weeks ago, Mick had helped the Winchester's get Sam back from his co-worker. It working with Mick is going to be tough, knowing that he works with the woman who'd tortured her brother.

Mick Davies works for the British Men of Letters. He is quite handsome and his accent is kind of cute. Damn, those eyes can really sparkle. Jasmine looked the man up and down before looking over at her brothers and their mother. She makes eye contact with Sam, him making sure that she's okay with it.

Jasmine nods in response and looks back at the British man. "Pleasure to see you again Jasmine. Happy to be working with you." Mick says, sounding happy. Jasmine smiles a bit at his enthusiasm, maybe a little giggle came out of her. "Nice to see you to Mick. I guess I have to say I'm happy to work with you too." Jasmine bites her bottom lip, smiling

Mick nods at her, smiling back. "Hey, no chick flick moments! I'm going to go pack my things!" Dean immediately grumbles. Before he leaves the room he looks over at Mick. "You touch her, I will torture you till you die." He mumbles. Mary smacks the back of Dean's head.

Sam and Jasmine laugh as Mick smirks to himself. "C'mon Dean," Mary says as she leads her oldest son out the kitchen. Sam looks over at his little sister, seeing her smile is something he hasn't seen a while. "Cas is going to pop in every once in a while to check in, okay?" Sam said.

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