002 {back to black}

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Ok so a little timeskippo maybe 2 months?? It starts getting dark here. Also, the song you sing later is above.

please listen: back to black (amy winehouse)

" beauty behind the madness. "

Lui stayed out late. Probably with that bitch he claims to be "helping." You hated her. His words were merely lies, trying to keep you from suspecting he was cheating. He was, let me tell you that. Lui leaves his phone wide open. It's almost like he wants to get caught. The only reason you didn't leave him is because you wanted to see how far this would go. Maybe he would stop fucking her at her apartment, and would start to bring her to where the both of you lived. Maybe he would get tired of her and move on to another, all of this going on under your nose. You smirked to yourself as you stared at Lui's phone. These texts were incriminating. You weren't sad. More happy and angry at the same time, sinister if you will.

"They always have something that gives them away." You said bitterly, smirking at the phone. You got up, reaching for your own phone. You typed in the beginnings of something, maybe a poem or a song.

" he left no time to regret , kept his dick wet.  "

You hummed a little tune, making up more words. This would be Lui's downfall, him and the Supreme Four's final moments in the spotlight before you took over. This would be their extinction burst.


You walked to Zac's house, humming your song. Your black boots climbed against the stairs to Zac's doorstep.

"(Y/N)! Oh, my stars. I was expecting you to be more... devastated. After all, Lui cheated. " Zac greeted, walking up to you. You had called Zac last night, pouring all your problems out.

"It's not my fault he went back to black." You spat.

"Oh, you're so much tougher than I am. I know I would be in a hole of depression if Orochi cheated." Zac crooned.

"Let's just hope that doesn't happen." You said icily.

"So, you need me to hook you up with a record label, huh?" Zac asked, smirking as he led you up to where the music room was.

"Always straight to the point, Zac." You joked.

"First, let's hear this song of yours." Zac said, reading his head in his hands.

You sang your heart out, emphasizing words that described how you were feeling.

"That. Was. Marvelous! I'll take you." Zac said, offering you a deal for his label. The pen you held hovered over the paper.

"One condition." You said, and Zac straightened out.

"Anything." He said quickly.

"Lui never finds out about this until I leave him." You said, leaning back in your chair.

"Just leave him now!" Zac exclaimed.

"I wanna see how far this goes." You smirked.

"You're a smart girl, (Y/N). Very smart indeed." Zac said. Orochi walked in.

"What's this all about?" He questioned smoothly.

"Cone here. We need your help on piano." You said.

𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖌𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊 {𝖑𝖚𝖎 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now